Single ISP in Transparent Bridge - Pfsense 2.0
Hi guys, im still in the configuration of my pfsense server but i cannot configure it right. My setup was…
can you please please help me….
"no internet" is a fairly vague phrase. Do the devices get an IP but can't pass traffic? Do they not get an IP? Can they get an IP and ping their gateway but not get DNS?
What are your firewall rules like on the bridged interface? How are your interfaces setup?
There isn't nearly enough to go on to suggest anything meaningful, if you give a bit more detail it shouldn't be too hard to sort out there.
Any luck figuring out/finding information on how to configure your bridged/transparent pfSense 2.0 system?
Hi guys, im still in the configuration of my pfsense server but i cannot configure it right. My setup was…
can you please please help me….
OPT1 - 192.168.0.x
WAN - 192.168.0.x
LAN - 192.168.1.xCheck your OPT1 and WAN subnets, try changing OPT1 to 10.0.0.x/
Any luck figuring out/finding information on how to configure your bridged/transparent pfSense 2.0 system?
I've got one working with pfsense virtualised in VMWare ESXi.
Have a look here -,40345.0.html