LCDProc 0.5.4-dev
Hello Everyone,
I just got 2 new LCD Display 16x2 (LCD SMARTIE) and I would like to know if it is compatible with any of the existing drivers that come with the Pfsense 2.3.4 distro. Any chance to use it with LCDProc?Thanks in Advance!!
Fabricio Guzzy. -
More then likely it is, but you'll have to provide more technical details. LCD Smartie looks like a software project for Windows that also provided USB hardware at some point. Have you been able to locate a technical specification with some specifics?
Thanks for the message.As far as I know it's a HD44780 compatible LCD via USB on FTDI chipset.
Does it help?Thanks!!!
Fabricio. -
I just found that when you choose HD44780 driver it opens a submenu with the FTDI via USB option… That loooks great... going to test it tonight.
Hello Everyone,
Still trying hard to make a FTDI FT245 to work with LCDPROC…
This is what I got:USB connected to /dev/ugen1.2 - (see images) - Chipset FT245 (no driver I guess)
Any help will be really appreciated!!
I expect the virtual com port created by uftdi0 to be /dev/cuaU0 or similar. Check what devices are added to /dev when you connect the disaply. Check what is shown in the system log when you connect the display.
Hello Stephenw10
Thanks much for the message. I will check it, although the service can't start, not with that config.
Anyway, I am also trying to use parallel port configuration since it doesnt' need any interface in between. (I have another display hd44780 compatible with no USB interface)
Will post the results here after all.Thanks