DHCP service stops working
I have a pfsense full versions 1.0.1 box that is connected directly to a 10mbit fiber connection, behind it I have 3 Cisco Catalyst LRE switches. The LAN port will drop all DHCP leases and stop giving them out which knocks everyone offline. Log is here –> http://pastebin.ca/442197 ...
When this happens I can VPN in using OPENVPN and I cannot ping anything on the LAN execpt the LAN interface of the PFSense box. I can login to the web gui just fine.
If I disable the DHCP service on the LAN and then reenable it, everything starts working and I can ping IPs on the LAN.
Upgrade to recent snapshot which has a newer dhcp server.
The newest snapshot I see on http://snapshots.pfsense.org/FreeBSD6/RELENG_1/updates/ is pfSense-Full-Update-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT-03-27-2007.tgz is there anything newer than this or does this have the new dhcp server?
Use this snapshot or wait for the 1.2 beta1 that will be available soon.
Does pfSense-Full-Update-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT-03-27-2007.tgz have the new DHCP server?
It's the most recent snapshot so it has the most recent stuff in it (RELENG at least)