IPsec mobile clients pass-through on 2.0.1-RELEASE (i386)
Have a problem with IPsec mobile clients that will connect the first time but seem to fail to connect again after they drop out.
I have found that i can get them to re-connect sometimes by deleting the states for port 500 on the Pfsense box
I have tried different timeout options for the states with little success.Pfsense Version is 2.0.1-RELEASE (i386)
Both sides of the IPsec are openswan and i do not have any issues when the remote client is connecting from a ADSL or cable network.
All the IPsec tunnels just pass-through the Pfsense box to internal systems with public IP'sI have noticed a recent patch# 1970 to ipsec-tools that relates to this issue.
The question is: How can i obtain and install the latest patches on my system? (an easy way)thanks