How can i downgrade ipsectools to version 0.7.2 in pfsense 2
As we are using pfsense 2.0, our site 2 site vpn frequently disconnects. As i searched in forums i noticed that its because of DPD with ipsec-tools which is version 0.8.0. So want to know how can i downgrade ipsec-tools to 0.7.2.
short answer: you can't.
long answer: you don't want to.DPD was in 0.7.2 as well. Not sure what led you to that conclusion, but there are plenty of tunnels running out there on 2.0 that are stable.
We have the same problem of tunnels randomly disconnecting and not recovering. Tried DPD on/off and various other suggestion made here but no success.
Seems to me many are having this problem.
I am consider ordering paid support but given the reactions here I am not sure the problem is taken seriously.Lex
ipsec-tools 0.7.2 is quite old. There have been a number of patches commited to ipsec-tools CVS since the release of ipsec-tools 0.8.0 a year ago, which may address the issues folks are seeing.
The ipsec-tools repository is hosted at NetBSD: the latest sources used from the CVS repository:
cvs co ipsec-toolsIf anyone is considering building it for beta-testing, he should also apply any pfsense-specific patches: