Asterisk 1.8 package
Good luck and I hope they hurry up because I am not installing Asterisk until the gui is there or altogether. :)
Ditto. I am totally confused with the current package and how to configure it. I am a GUI guy and would love to have GUI for this package for me to start taking advantage of it.
a newbie question…I'm yet another cheapskate with a TDM400P PCI analog telephony card doing 'nowt in an old box...and wondering if the zaptel/DHADI route (even with the apparent echo issues...) is worth pursuing and how to get some stable drivers to try on a production box (I know!!).
I've been looking around looked interesting but seems a dead end...The card is recognised by pciconf -lv :
none2@pci0:1:8:0: class=0x078000 card=0x0003b100 chip=0x0001e159 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
vendor = 'Tiger Jet Network Inc'
device = 'Multiple devices use this ID: General Purpose I/O Controller'
class = simple commsbut doesn't show up in dmesg
Is there hope? or is it (very likely) easier to erm... Ubuntu it?
Any pointers very welcome ;D
To run asterisk cards on freebsd will need it drivers and dahdi. I do not recomend it on pfsense.
To run asterisk cards on freebsd will need it drivers and dahdi. I do not recomend it on pfsense.
Thanks - I had to ask the question… there seems to have been some activity - but quite a while ago and the hardware has moved on.I guess I'll try a Draytech VoIP router to handle analog and see how I get on with that.... TDM400P >=ebay
Have a little question that may become big.
I'm running pfSense 2.1 beta1 and installed Asterisk package.
I can see the Asterisk page in the status menu and the service running in the services status page. So I'm assuming that the package is working, at least for now.
But in the main Asterisk page it enumerates these directories:
- Directories
Configuration file:
Configuration directory: /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/etc/asterisk
Module directory: /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/lib/asterisk/modules
Spool directory: /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/var/spool/asterisk
Log directory: /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/var/log/asterisk
Run/Sockets directory: /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/var/run/asterisk
PID file: /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/var/run/asterisk/
VarLib directory: /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/share/asterisk
Data directory: /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/share/asterisk
ASTDB: /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/var/db/asterisk/astdb
IAX2 Keys directory: /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/share/asterisk/keys
AGI Scripts directory: /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/share/asterisk/agi-bin
Are they alright or I have to move them to another place before configuring Asterisk?
I think that they should be pointing to other places.
- Directories
Are they alright or I have to move them to another place before configuring Asterisk?
Yes, pfsense 2.1 installs packages under /usr/pbi
Hi, I've recently installed Asterisk package on pfSense 2.1 beta1 and made it work with a little config.
But I can't see logs or calls on the status interface. May be is not correctly installed.Thank you…
I did not checked asterisk package on 2.1.
Maybe it's looking for logs on the wrong folder.
check if there are logs in /usr/pbi/asterisk-xx/var folder
Yes, they are there…
More precisely in /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/var/log/asterisk/
Yes, they are there…
More precisely in /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/var/log/asterisk/
try to create a symlink to /var/log/asterisk
I'd modified the paths of the PHPs. They are hardcoded for version 2.0.
Thank you very much…
Hi again,
finally with an Asterisk up and running on pfSense 2.1 beta1.
I'm trying to enable fax sending and receiving with and
I've already registered my box with Digium's register method explained in Digiums site but theres a lib missing when I do module load
Here is the output:
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2012 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer markster@digium.comAsterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.== Parsing '/usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': == Found
== Parsing '/usr/pbi/asterisk-i386/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': == Found
Connected to Asterisk currently running on pfsense (pid = 6011)
Verbosity is at least 3
pfsenseCLI> module load Unable to load module
Command 'module load' failed.
[Feb 7 21:26:58] WARNING[6011]: loader.c:409 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': Shared object "" not found, required by ""
[Feb 7 21:26:58] WARNING[6011]: loader.c:874 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.
pfsenseCLI>There in no comments about this at Digium's site.
Does anyone succeded on making fax module work on pfSense?
I'm testing asterisk on pfsense since some weeks. It's very stable :)
Thank you for this great work !I have 3 pfsense with an IPSEC vpn :
site A :
site B : - with an pika warp / freepbx asterisk
site C : - with your package asterisk on pfsense.I would like to connect from site A to site C with a SIP client. Test with zoiper.
zoiper site A to asterisk site B : ok. it works :)
zoiper site A to asterisk pfsense site C : ko. it doesn't works :(On states pfsense, of the site A & C, i have :
NO_TRAFFIC:SINGLEIPSEC VPN rules are corrects. * for all settings.
what should i do ?
thank you :) -
I see the asterisk gui, but the user and password do not work, edit manager.conf and nothing
I see that the GUI of the package needs some work to be compatible to 2.1. I'll soon post the necessary modifications.
Is there a place where I could push the modifications needed for this plugin to work with 2.1? Like GitGub, etc…?
I've just modified my config file editor page, with complete backup and restore options.
I've also optimized the installation to properly run on NanoBSD systems. I'm going to update them accordingly at
this post refer to i thread i started because this the GUI was not working properly on PfSense 2.1 release find out at the moment that two file of the GUI need to be modified to point to the new location for the package:
path need to be modified to :
depending of architecture instead of :
path need to be modified to :
depending of architecture instead of :
"/var/log/asterisk/messages"for edit config file, the new path is "/usr/pbi/asterisk-amd64/etc/asterisk" for the config file
i don't know where to go to do the modification or if someone have to do it at my place (never did it before) but this make the package working on PfSense 2.1 . It is working flawlessly for me for the moment but i have to mod the php file each time an update is done on the package.
Work is in progress just now with modifications to address these issues.
Actually paths will be corrected on the file system to point to writable locations (as /usr/pbi/…. is not writable on NanoBSD), symlinks will be used and Asterisk configuration files will be updated accordingly on first install.
Please be patient, soon the update will be available in the packages list.