Asterisk 1.8 package
It's already done, devs from pfSense need to pull it in to the servers…
awsome !!
i'll wait and test it :)
is the last update Asterisk 1.8 pkg v0.3 broken for you ?
- does'nt want to start via web GUI (via status -> service or via Asterisk command page).
- asterisk log page is broken (parse error)
- it start manually but extension won't register (no modification in conf file from 1.8 pkg v0.2)
nevermind for extension not registeringBUT
still need to start manually via shell ( asterisk -C /usr/pbi/asterisk-amd64/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf )and log page is missing a ")" on line 70
Yes, I've fixed them yesterday evening, pushed them to the server, still waiting to be pulled in.
Hi roby,
I've tested it on 2.1 and code was not working correctly.
I did some changes and at least on 2.1 it's working fine now.
Check if it's ok on nanobsd too.
It's broken again, sent you a PM with the reason why.
It's broken again, sent you a PM with the reason why.
Can you check again with latest changes?
The Asterisk package works now with pfSense 2.1. both full setup and NanoBSD.
It includes a web interface for issuing basic or custom commands to asterisk console, calls log, system log, configuration files editing option, configuration directory backup and restore option.
By default when installed on pfSense it's preconfigured for SIP operation, and has got two demo extensions, 301 and 302 which allow testing with real IP phones or softphones through the LAN interface.
tell here how to install chan-dongle? ?PF 2.1
Asterisk Services 1.8 pkg v0.3.1 Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications.
Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. -
You need to compile it on freebsd 8.3
How cool… One could use Asterisk to place directly mobile calls through a supported 3G modem.
How cool… One could use Asterisk to place directly mobile calls through a supported 3G modem.
Yes. I've tested it on linux and it works. The problem I had way with usb power supply for multiple 3g modem and power boot sequence some times.
Hi Marcelloc,
First, thanks for your great work again…
I was running a FreePBX server behind Pfsense, however it seems there are some NAT problem and I can't find any solution for that.
Then I tried your Asterisk package, it works perfect :D. The only question is it's difficult for me to edit the configurations... :-[
I read your post and you have installed Asterisk-gui successful before, I am now sure it's still working for latest pfsense 2.1?
Can I ask you to post a guide here?Thanks
I've not tested it on 2.1 yet and freebsd port is still pending.
Hi Marcelloc,
First, thanks for your great work again…
It's mainly a robi work. I just did some small modifications ;)
The only question is it's difficult for me to edit the configurations… :-[
[/quote]if it is only to modify the config file directly, you can do it this way (if you use windows) :
- enable SSH in "System" -> "Advanced" - > "Admin Access" and check "Enable Secure Shell"
- use WINCSP to access the files in /conf/asterisk/
that's the way i modify my conf files for asterisk.
I hope the GUI will be ported soon. :) Will be good to have a complete GUI to manage configuration.
Why don't you use edit configuration tab? ???
I am running the Asterisk 1.8 package on pfsense 2.1 and have the following issues:
Everytime I reboot pfsense the following (demo) configuration text is added to sip.conf
;demo extension for pfSense
;demo extension for pfSense
Everytime I reboot pfsense my call history is lost
Everytime I reboot pfsense my Asterisk log file is empty
Everytime I reboot pfsense my personal voicemail message is goneAre there any sollutions to my above problems
Thanks in advance
What pfsense version are you using?
Like I said I am using pfsense 2.1 :)