Asterisk 1.8 package
I changed
$replace[2]='astdbdir => /tmp';
in /usr/local/pkg/
the astdb file gets created there after a reboot
Unfortunatly the asterisk service is still not started automaticly after a reboot and I am also still unable to manualy start the service by using the webinterface (still have to start /usr/pbi/bin/asterisk via the ssh console)After starting Asterisk I still see the following in the asterisk log
(Maybe some issues are related to my specific asterisk configuration)==>
[Jan 27 10:15:59] NOTICE[-1] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled.
[Jan 27 10:15:59] NOTICE[-1] loader.c: 162 modules will be loaded.
[Jan 27 10:16:00] WARNING[-1] loader.c: Error loading module '': Shared object "" not found, required by ""
[Jan 27 10:16:00] WARNING[-1] res_fax.c: 'modems' setting 'V17,V27,V29' is no longer accepted with 'minrate' setting 2400
[Jan 27 10:16:00] WARNING[-1] res_fax.c: 'minrate' has been reset to 4800, please update res_fax.conf.
[Jan 27 10:16:00] NOTICE[-1] pbx_lua.c: Lua PBX Switch loaded.
[Jan 27 10:16:01] WARNING[-1] loader.c: Error loading module '': Shared object "" not found, required by ""
[Jan 27 10:16:01] WARNING[-1] loader.c: Module '' could not be loaded.
[Jan 27 10:16:01] NOTICE[-1] res_smdi.c: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SMDI listener.
[Jan 27 10:16:01] NOTICE[-1] cel_custom.c: No mappings found in cel_custom.conf. Not logging CEL to custom CSVs. -
Disabled the loading of
And changed minrate' setting to 4800 in res_fax.conf
(wich I guess was specific for my configuration)
No more logging errors\issues nowAsterisk still not starting after a reboot (any hint on where to seach for to fix this ?)
If I run asterisk via the webinterface (diagnostics ==> command prompt) Asterisk also starts. -
I'm not sure why the Asterisk is not loading at boot. PFSense is my first experience with BSD.
I did have a thought for a workaround though, have you considered cron? Using the special keyword @reboot you could run a custom start up script.
By the way, marcelloc, do you think it would be possible to have a newer asterisk package for 2.2?
I'm thinking of Asterisk v11.10 at least, with extra support for the super-high quality and open opus audio codec.Sorry I was not following very accurately.
I suffer from the same issues and revert back to pfsense 2.1.5.Is there any way to contact the person/team who created the previous package ?
marcelloc is the author, contact via this forum/topic.
Hi All,
"/var/run" is cleaned at startup and hence "/var/run/asterisk" needs to be chowned in the asterisk init script. Here is a quick fix (amd64) :
1- Edit "/usr/pbi/asterisk-amd64/local/etc/rc.d/asterisk" and after the line "reload_cmd=asterisk_reload", add the following one :
start_precmd="chown -R asterisk:wheel /var/run/asterisk"2- Create the missed link
ln /usr/pbi/asterisk-amd64/local/etc/rc.d/asterisk /usr/local/etc/rc.d/asterisk
3- Start asterisk or reboot
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/asterisk start
Hi Bastion,
I tried your solution but Asterisk is not starting after a reboot in my situation (Alix board i386)
(I have to manualy start it) -
Hi matthijs,
I've tested it on amd64/i386 with 2.2 and 2.2.1 many times, and had it working on all tests.
Did you try it on a fresh install !!?Cordially,
Hi Bastion, strange, it worked after a second reboot (I didnt change anything)
Rebooted again and it failed again to autostart, it sometimes works sometimes not
Did also a clean install, same behaviour, did you also test it on a nanobsd i386 (Alix board) ?
Because sometimes I also have the issue that OpenVPN fails to autostart
The Alix board is quite slow at things, so maybe things are not proparly stopped at a shut down\reboot, or things time-out or something during startup. -
I bet about 99% of the inexplicable package issues would be solved by abandoning the PBI packaging POS. Really hope it happens very soon.
(And pretty much can understand that people's motivation to maintain packages in their free time is about zero at this point. Most of time is wasted on debugging the packaging, instead of development and features. >:( )
Rebooted again and everything started succesfully
This time I waited a little longer before logging into the webinterface.
Maybe the problem is related with logging into soon after a reboot (interfering with processes still starting in the background) -
After rebooting, pfSense normally needs a bit "patience/time" to autostart all services …
P.S : Agree ! doktornotor ;)
Package seems to be broken..
install on new 2.2.2 -> asterisk dont start
after apply Bastions dirty workaround ends up with -> no asterisk_enable in rc.conf after manual add-in in rc.conf -> pam_error
after make a new /etc/rc.asterisk an put asterisk_enable=YES into it … it works again
I just installed Asterisk on PfSense 2.2.2.
I ran into some of the problems mentioned in this thread.
These are my notes on solutions to the problems.1. Installation
Installation takes a long, long time (on my box, about 24.5 minutes AFTER download is complete).
You can't see what's going on in the web UI.
I recommend enabling ssh, logging in to ssh and issuing the following command at the ssh command prompt:pfSsh.php playback installpkg Asterisk
After a few minutes it will say 'Done' and the cursor will remain at the end of that line.
It isn't done: it's just done with the download.
Wait until it's really done – you'll know from the console output. Be patient.I'm not sure if this method installs the PfSense GUI stuff.
If, after this step, you don't have an Asterisk entry in the PfSense Status menu, go to
System->Packages and under Installed Packages->Asterisk click on the 'xml' button.2. Post-install fixes
First, do this stuff:
Next, to fix the Asterisk log warnings about and, do the following:
under Diagnostics->NanoBSD set Media Read/Write status to Read/Write
log in with ssh, start a shell and cd to /usr/pbi/asterisk-<arch>/local/lib
note: replace <arch>with i386 or amd64, depending on your system -
issue the following command at the ssh command prompt:
ln -s perl5/5.18/mach/CORE/ -
under Diagnostics->NanoBSD set Media Read/Write status to Read-Only
under Status->Asterisk->Log press 'Clear log'
under Status->Asterisk->Commands press 'Restart Asterisk'
under Status->Asterisk->Log check the log; there should be no WARNINGs
Hope this helps. I wanted to summarize everything in one place.</arch></arch>
first thanks for the hard work everyone is putting into this, I migrated over to Pfsense several months ago and I've come to enjoy the flexibility available. Now after the Asterisk update a couple of months ago the module no longer works, I was relying on a pre-built deb package. Can someone please build the module to support the latest build of pfsense and asterisk.
Thanks in advance.
The package installation failed on pfsense 2.2.3 i386 :-\ help plz!!!
I Have the Asterisk Package Installed (0.3.1) on my pfSense system (2.2.2-RELEASE (amd64)) but there does not seem to be any of the modules installed. The config file suggests "/usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules" would be the place, but that directory does not exist.
This means things like musiconhold won't work.
Have I missed something out when installing this package?
I Have the Asterisk Package Installed (0.3.1) on my pfSense system (2.2.2-RELEASE (amd64)) but there does not seem to be any of the modules installed. The config file suggests "/usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules" would be the place, but that directory does not exist.
This means things like musiconhold won't work.
Have I missed something out when installing this package?
I have the same package version installed on the same pfSense version, but i386 instead of amd64.
Yes, according to asterisk.conf the modules directory is /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules.
No, that directory doesn't exist on my system either.
But Asterisk works fine.
If no modules were being loaded Asterisk would be basically dead.
Are you speculating that something will not work if you attempt it, or have you actually observed that Asterisk does not work?For reference du -h /usr/pbi/asterisk-i386 reports 472MB. amd64 should be somewhat larger.
To see what modules are loaded issue the following command at the Asterisk CLI prompt:module show