Traffic shaper doesn't work?
I have tried PFsense on my machine a few times
I have m0n0wall, beacuse it works and it is stable
everytime I use PFsense I get dissapointed, I had tried PFsense few days ago (again)
I did update firmware, but I couldn't notice any changefirst of all traffic shaping doesn't work!
my internet connection is slow like hell on pfsense, while flying on m0n0wall, why?I did user traffic shaper wizzard, tried to play Call Of Duty 1 & 2 - ping about 800ms
back to m0n0wall - ping about 50-60mshttp browsing is also very slow on pfsense
router configuration:
amd duron 800mhz
256ddr ram
2.1gb hdd
2x3com NIC
cdrom…. -
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