Basic question
I try to setup a pfsense machine to control and filter the internet access, and monitorize and logs all the traffic.
I read abou squid, squidguard, dansguardian, … what are the recommended packages to do this?
I know that is a basic question, and I need a simply solution... :)many thanks!
to implement any kind of http filtering you need Squid.
squidguard = addon to implement url blacklist <– very easy to setup
dansguardian = addon to implement content filtering + urlblacklist <-- a little harder to setup -
oook many thanks…
and for monitoring and logging I need any kind of package?
and for monitoring and logging I need any kind of package?
You can use lightsquid or sarg.
Sarg has a realtime gui tab to see logs and reports that you can click to change sort order.