Traffic Graphs broken
I first noticed this perhaps 4 or 5 days ago and just updated to the latest snapshot today and I still see this behavior:
On the main webconfigurator page, the traffic graphs widget is there, and the individual interfaces are expanded like I initially set them up, but there are no graphs in there. I'll post a screen shot below, but I removed the widget, saved, re-added, saved again, and still no graphs are displaying. No errors in the logs that I can find either.
Also, going to the
status -> traffic graph menu gives me the same thing; A place for the graph is there but no graph. To the right of where the graph should be is the"Host IP Bandwidth In Bandwidth Out"
section which seems to work fine, it populates with an ip and bits/sec periodically.
I have the same behavior with Firefox 12 and Google Chrome.
2.1-DEVELOPMENT (amd64) built on Sun May 13 02:42:10 EDT 2012 FreeBSD pfs.dv.loc 8.3-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p1 #1: Sun May 13 04:04:35 EDT 2012 amd64 ```![Screen-Shot-2012-05-13-at-5.13.54-PM.png_thumb](/public/_imported_attachments_/1/Screen-Shot-2012-05-13-at-5.13.54-PM.png_thumb) ![Screen-Shot-2012-05-13-at-5.13.54-PM.png](/public/_imported_attachments_/1/Screen-Shot-2012-05-13-at-5.13.54-PM.png)
Same here… happened right after the "Thu May 10 05:30:17 EDT 2012" build... I have this running on a client machine and other than the issue from my other post,49158.0.html its working.
I have a slightly newer edition on my test box and saw what your getting...
Edit= the May 10 build I referred to above is an AMD64 build...
If i go to this page in my browser the graphs work:
https://<>/graph.php?ifnum=lan&ifname=LAN</></> -
i can confirm the same issue
Looks like adding this broke it - in /etc/inc/ :
Header("X-Frame-Options: DENY");
Reopened to find a better fix.
thanks Jim!
And here's the fix: -
that did it, thanks again jim!