Squid & SquidGuard
Would like to know if Squid and Squidguard are very stable product under PfSense?
I got some strange reactions with these products installed thougether using Transparent Proxy?Can I use Transparent proxy and by the same time stop the access to facebook.com with squidguard?
squid2 and squidguard is working stable.
squid3 and squidguard is probably working stable, too but you need to first intall squidguard and after that squid3.Blocking facebook.com:
Remember that squid in transparent mode is only filtering http traffic. If someone uses https://www.facebook.com this will not be filtered and so squidguard cannot block this.To filter and block https traffic your squid needs to run in non-transparent mode.
Another possibility would be to create a host-alias and put facebook.com in this alias. Then pfsense will regularly check and resolve the IPs to this DNS entry. Now create a firewall rule and put this alias as destination ip and select "block" for this rule. you have to place this rule on top of all other firewall rules.