4 ISP Failover kill states with different protocols
Hi , I did setup failover with 4 ISP, when I unplugged the 1st ISP everything move to 2nd ISP, however if I have a ssh session to an external server this session dies immediately, it doesn't recover even if I have internet access from the same computer through 2nd ISP, I did check the states table, and basically the failover kills all connections and flushes the states when it move from 1st ISP to 2nd ISP, and instead of sending a socket close message to the LAN connection it kills the socket connection, any way to set the pfsense to send close socket message when failover takes place?
Thank you
Please help me… I really appreciate any idea or possible test to solve this....
Thank you
basically the failover kills all connections and flushes the states when it move from 1st ISP to 2nd ISP, and instead of sending a socket close message to the LAN connection it kills the socket connection
This is an interesting question and apparently there are applications that are a bit slow to recover …
Based on a quick check of pfctl manpage I don't think it's possible, but we'd have to wait for the developers to offer a definitive answer, because the function filter_delete_states_for_down_gateways in /etc/inc/interfaces is using a -b option that I can't find in the manpage ...
Hm, after a little googling it seems that -b is indeed pfsense-specific, check the discussion at http://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/8
Thanks for answer, I did read it but at the last post one of developers send this feature for future development…., any idea if theres a work around for this? or other product I can test?
Thank you