Dashboard issues…
Here a couple of things I noticed in the dashboard:
a) the Traffic Graphs widget doesn't remember more than two expanded graphs. It seems to remember any two, but not more than two. Also, there's no way to reorder the graphs. In my case I have the following sequence: WAN Traffic, LAN Traffic, DMZ Traffic, WAN6 Traffic. Of course, I'd like to have WAN Traffic, WAN6 Traffic, LAN Traffic, DMZ Traffic.
b) a variety of widgets have trouble sticking either to their bounds, or communicating with the page such as to adjust the width of the entire column of widgets. With the pfsense_ng theme, this is essentially the interfaces widget, which seems to have trouble adjusting the width, because my IPv4 and IPv6 LAN interface addresses both have almost max. width (12/12 digits and 47/48 digits), so displaying them side by side requires more space than available.
Once the pfsense theme is active, e.g. on my mobile devices, the IPSec and Gateways widgets have similar issues. The Firewall Logs widget resorts to ugly line wrapping.
Slightly different behaviors in different browsers, too (FireFox 13 beta 7, Mobile Safari on iOS 5.1.1, etc.)With other themes there may be additional issues, but I test these two official themes, because one is the default theme, and the other the default fall-back theme.
No big things, just figure I mention these for completeness sake.
I can't reproduce "a". Note that to save those now you have to set the graph how you want, then click the little wrench in the title bar of the traffic graph widget itself, then click save there.
Reordering the graphs has never been possible, but if someone wants to do that, patches would be more than welcome (you can open a feature request on redmine for that, target=future)
There is not and never has been any dynamic width adjustment in the widgets (yet?), the columns are all fixed-size. As is probably evident in many places, we don't have much in the way of HTML/CSS experts to polish up things in the GUI like that. I thought there was already a feature request somewhere in redmine to handle those sorts of things better.
I can't reproduce "a". Note that to save those now you have to set the graph how you want, then click the little wrench in the title bar of the traffic graph widget itself, then click save there.
Reordering the graphs has never been possible, but if someone wants to do that, patches would be more than welcome (you can open a feature request on redmine for that, target=future)
Ah, OK. I thought that saved only the update interval, and layout etc. was saved when you save the dashboard setup as a whole.
There is not and never has been any dynamic width adjustment in the widgets (yet?), the columns are all fixed-size. As is probably evident in many places, we don't have much in the way of HTML/CSS experts to polish up things in the GUI like that. I thought there was already a feature request somewhere in redmine to handle those sorts of things better.
Sure. My thing is more that certain layouts are destined to break, and thus I believe need a rethinking of the layout, because there's no way that things can fit, e.g. when IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are on the same line in the interfaces section, there's just not enough space for an IPv4 address in the ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd format and an IPv6 address in the hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh format side by side.
So either these addresses need to be listed below each other, or some other solution has to be found.A similar one is the firewall log widget: it already has trouble with lines where we have two full IPv4:port pairs in full length, i.e. ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd:ddddd. Not sure how that's going to fare once IPv6 addresses start showing up there…
Of course, there are other issues, that are less predictable and likely require some CSS magic, like hostnames and descriptions that can be of nearly arbitrary length, these can easily be deferred until some web wizard takes them on, but I think the others would be good to fix before the final release, because there we deal with strings of which we know the upper size limit, and we know that limit is being reached every so often, and when it's reached (or even before) it just breaks the layout.