Dynamic DNS clients
Please fix the he.net DNS Dynamic DNS clients when ipv6 and ipv4 dual-stack network.
Here are a few examples to get you started
http://[your domain name]:[your password]@dyn.dns.he.net/update?hostname=[your domain name]
Autodetect my IPv4/IPv6 address:
% curl -4 "http://dyn.example.com:password@dyn.dns.he.net/nic/update?hostname=dyn.example.com"
% curl -6 "http://dyn.example.com:password@dyn.dns.he.net/nic/update?hostname=dyn.example.com"edit the /etc/inc/dyndns.class file.
change dyndns.class file to:
case 'he-net':
$needsIP = FALSE;
log_error("HE.net: DNS update() starting.");
$server = "https://dyn.dns.he.net/nic/update?";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsHost . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . 'hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost);
break;https://dyn.dns.he.net not normal update ipv4 address. I think should use % curl -4 https://dyn.dns.he.net or use http://ipv4.dyn.dns.he.net