Bridging two pfsense routers via opt1 interfaces
Hi Guys,
I have two pfsense routers in the same building and both of them have their opt1 interfaces available.
I would like to create a bridge between these two routers so that NETWORK A and NETWORK B can talk to each other.
I just need a little guidance and would appreciate a little help.
How do I bridge opt1, cable to interfaces, on both pfsense routers?
- before I connect the cables, I enable the opt1 interfaces on both routers and under "Type", do I select "none" or "static"?
Do I need to bother with "Bridges" under Interfaces:Assign?
Thanks, Jits
What do you wish to have from this bridge?
You can do a static route between those or connect with carp, if you have enough public ip's -
What do you wish to have from this bridge?
You can do a static route between those or connect with carp, if you have enough public ip'sThinking more about it, I don't need to do a bridge if I connect via switch and set up a static route.
Can I do this without setting up a VLAN?
I'll search this out first and if I need more help, I'll be back.
thanks, Jits
Bridging == layer2 only. There's no IP address or whatsoever involved.
And if those 2 pfSense boxes are in the same building and you ask about calbes: Why do you need pfsense boxes to bridge 2 network if you can do this with a simple network cable.
If you speak about bridging 2 layer2 networks over a bigger difference (like internet or wan connection) it's something completly different. But for bridging 2 networks within the same building there's no for pfsense. Every switch or straight cable can do it better and likely more perfomant instead of having some kind of sofware in between.