Snort Stable pkg v. 2.2 Failed
I tried installation once again. But still same problem. ???
Same here with fresh installation on a Virtualbox VM running
2.0.1-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Mon Dec 12 18:16:13 EST 2011FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE-p6
Only log line generated: SnortStartup[48564]: Snort HARD START For 23366_em1…
I only did basic settings and installed + configured snort with 1 rule category selected.
Has anyone else noticed on their Snort > Blocked (tab) that the ALERT DESCRIPTION next to each IP now says "N/A" instead of displaying a full description as it has in the past?
I've confirmed under Snort > Global Settings, my Alert file description type = FULL.
Is there any way to restore this functionality so that full alert description is listed?
It should work on latest version 2.2.1
This is still not working in the latest version 2.2.1
pfSense 2.1-BETA0 (amd64) built on Thu Jun 14 14:23:20 EDT 2012
snort pkg v. 2.2.1snort will not start.
System Log:
Jun 15 07:56:44 snort[49817]: FATAL ERROR: /usr/local/etc/snort/snort_39668_em0/snort.conf(324) Unknown output plugin: "alert_pf"
Jun 15 07:56:44 snort[49817]: FATAL ERROR: /usr/local/etc/snort/snort_39668_em0/snort.conf(324) Unknown output plugin: "alert_pf" -
Snort Stable pkg v. 2.2.1 (AMD64)
Tried running snort from shell:
/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/libdnet.1: unsupported file layout
Was daq-0.6.2.tbz introduced recently? Since daq depends on libpcap-1.2.1 and snort on libpcap-1.1.1_1 maybe that be the source of the problems? I don't know if libdnet uses libpcap or daq (at time of compilation or later), but if it does maybe there is the issue.
Been running Snort pkg v. 2.2 (AMD64) for more than 2 full days. Everything appears to be working properly, with the exception of the dashboard widget, which I noted in an earlier post. However, it now appears that Snort is shutting down and not restarting twice-a-day. I suspect this coincides with my 12 hour update update schedule, but I can't confirm since update attempts are not logged. The shutdowns leave no log entries either.
I am able to restart Snort manually after these incidents.
Can anyone confirm this behavior on another system?
The issue with old code that is present when you upgrade to a new version will be there even when you reinstall since the damage from old code will be done.
that is why for 2.1 we are moving to PBIs to make especially this dependency issues go away once and for good.
For now you have to clean your environment from other packages you have as well and reinstall again.So, my question is… how does one clean the environment to stop this error:
/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/libdnet.1: unsupported file layout
(e.g. what do I uninstall and install to stop this?)
Been running Snort pkg v. 2.2 (AMD64) for more than 2 full days. Everything appears to be working properly, with the exception of the dashboard widget, which I noted in an earlier post. However, it now appears that Snort is shutting down and not restarting twice-a-day. I suspect this coincides with my 12 hour update update schedule, but I can't confirm since update attempts are not logged. The shutdowns leave no log entries either.
I am able to restart Snort manually after these incidents.
Can anyone confirm this behavior on another system?
I had this problem. It appears to have been a problem with the cron job that deletes blocked ip's after a set time. I fixed it by going into the general tab and selecting never, then saved, then reselected the amount of time I wanted and clicked save again. This deleted and recreated the cron job. When this was happen there was nothing in the logs either.
Just an update. I installed a clean pfSense 2.0.1 on a new VM, right after that I installed the snort package and it says the usual (screenshot attached)
![snort error.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/snort error.png)
![snort error.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/snort error.png_thumb) -
/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/libdnet.1: unsupported file layout
Is it possible that the 32bit version got put in the 64 repo for the latest snort package?
I could be way off base and I apologize if I'm making more noise than you need right now to fix this.
I am not much in the way of a freebsd coder.
BTW: Thank you for the attention you guys are giving this. I (the company I work for) paid for pfsense support for a couple of boxes so far and paid for 2 sensors of snort.
As soon as I can, I'll be personally buying some beer and chips for a couple of you guys via your "donate" buttons. -
Been running Snort pkg v. 2.2 (AMD64) for more than 2 full days. Everything appears to be working properly, with the exception of the dashboard widget, which I noted in an earlier post. However, it now appears that Snort is shutting down and not restarting twice-a-day. I suspect this coincides with my 12 hour update update schedule, but I can't confirm since update attempts are not logged. The shutdowns leave no log entries either.
I am able to restart Snort manually after these incidents.
Can anyone confirm this behavior on another system?
I had this problem. It appears to have been a problem with the cron job that deletes blocked ip's after a set time. I fixed it by going into the general tab and selecting never, then saved, then reselected the amount of time I wanted and clicked save again. This deleted and recreated the cron job. When this was happen there was nothing in the logs either.
This seems to have worked. Snort has gone thru an automated rules update without stopping after following these steps. BTW, Snort updates are logged to /tmp/snort_update.log, although previous entries record that Snort restarted. I don't think that's accurate. It just indicates that a restart was executed, not necessarily successfully. However, the log does report the date/time of the activity which, if no Snort alerts are received after a scheduled update, may lend evidence that there's a cron job failure.
mschiek - thanks for the help.
Update: Fix one problem - find another. An hour after successfully updating, logged error:
kernel: pid 25427 (snort), uid 0: exited on signal 10
The shutdown was preceded with this entry at the same recorded time:
snort[25427]: [1:2008578:6] ET SCAN Sipvicious Scan [Classification: Attempted Information Leak] [Priority: 2] {UDP} -> [my address]:5060
Any ideas as to what's going on?
Been running Snort pkg v. 2.2 (AMD64) for more than 2 full days. Everything appears to be working properly, with the exception of the dashboard widget, which I noted in an earlier post. However, it now appears that Snort is shutting down and not restarting twice-a-day. I suspect this coincides with my 12 hour update update schedule, but I can't confirm since update attempts are not logged. The shutdowns leave no log entries either.
I am able to restart Snort manually after these incidents.
Can anyone confirm this behavior on another system?
I had this problem. It appears to have been a problem with the cron job that deletes blocked ip's after a set time. I fixed it by going into the general tab and selecting never, then saved, then reselected the amount of time I wanted and clicked save again. This deleted and recreated the cron job. When this was happen there was nothing in the logs either.
This seems to have worked. Snort has gone thru an automated rules update without stopping after following these steps. BTW, Snort updates are logged to /tmp/snort_update.log, although previous entries record that Snort restarted. I don't think that's accurate. It just indicates that a restart was executed, not necessarily successfully. However, the log does report the date/time of the activity which, if no Snort alerts are received after a scheduled update, may lend evidence that there's a cron job failure.
mschiek - thanks for the help.
Update: Fix one problem - find another. An hour after successfully updating, logged error:
kernel: pid 25427 (snort), uid 0: exited on signal 10
The shutdown was preceded with this entry at the same recorded time:
snort[25427]: [1:2008578:6] ET SCAN Sipvicious Scan [Classification: Attempted Information Leak] [Priority: 2] {UDP} -> [my address]:5060
Any ideas as to what's going on?
I have had that error as well and I have not figured out as of yet what is causing it. After this error the snort process on the interface starts normally and it has not stopped again which is even more confusing.
BTW- What do you have your mem performance settings set at?, also how many wan interfaces do you have? I am just trying to figure out a common thread to this.
Greetings to the community!
This is my first posting - I was reading here and using pfSense for several months now. Its a good opportunity to say thank you very much for your efforts and this really great system.
Since the Snort updates of course I too get errors. Package 2.2 was ok, but also went down on my amd64 installation without obvious reason (after about 16 hours working and blocking). Since the new version pkg v 2.2.1 it does not start at all.
My logs show an unknown preprocessor fatal error. Maybe it helps:Jun 15 21:59:02 gatekeeper snort[33708]: FATAL ERROR: /usr/local/etc/snort/snort_26132_em1/snort.conf(180) Unknown preprocessor: "ftp_telnet".
Jun 15 21:59:02 gatekeeper SnortStartup[33762]: Interface Rule START for 0_26132_em1…If I disable ftp/telnet preprocessor the next fatal error pops-up with smtp.
Greetings and again a big Thank you to all developers!
Jun 15 21:59:02 gatekeeper snort[33708]: FATAL ERROR: /usr/local/etc/snort/snort_26132_em1/snort.conf(180) Unknown preprocessor: "ftp_telnet".
Jun 15 21:59:02 gatekeeper SnortStartup[33762]: Interface Rule START for 0_26132_em1…
This just means your install had failed and or the package was missing files.
In order to solve the issue you have to remove snort pkg_delete snort it should show you that files are missing and you want to delite any snort leftover files next go to packages and reinstall snort readownload rules and your snort should be working .
There are posted directions in this forum on how to remove snort. -
The issue with old code that is present when you upgrade to a new version will be there even when you reinstall since the damage from old code will be done.
that is why for 2.1 we are moving to PBIs to make especially this dependency issues go away once and for good.
For now you have to clean your environment from other packages you have as well and reinstall again.So, my question is… how does one clean the environment to stop this error:
/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/libdnet.1: unsupported file layout
(e.g. what do I uninstall and install to stop this?)
I've been going thru installs and uninstalls trying to find a combination of releases and fixes which will run for more than 12 hours. I noted that a new version 2.2.1 (AMD64) was released today but it's giving me a /usr/local/lib/libdnet.1: unsupported file layout error when I attempt to start Snort from the console. I've tried the solutions posted in this thread, but they have failed.
Anyone know what the problem is?
Jun 15 21:59:02 gatekeeper snort[33708]: FATAL ERROR: /usr/local/etc/snort/snort_26132_em1/snort.conf(180) Unknown preprocessor: "ftp_telnet".
Jun 15 21:59:02 gatekeeper SnortStartup[33762]: Interface Rule START for 0_26132_em1…
This just means your install had failed and or the package was missing files.
In order to solve the issue you have to remove snort pkg_delete snort it should show you that files are missing and you want to delite any snort leftover files next go to packages and reinstall snort readownload rules and your snort should be working .
There are posted directions in this forum on how to remove snort.Well, thx for the hint. Did that - error is gone, but snort does not start at all now.
BTW, pfsense rules dont get downloaded at the moment.I think I will wait some days/weeks til new package version comes out. This seems to be a big mess at the moment. :(
Greats, jud3x
I would try to save all snort settings. Click on edit and then save and then try to download snort rules. Is your system rw ?
Been running Snort pkg v. 2.2 (AMD64) for more than 2 full days. Everything appears to be working properly, with the exception of the dashboard widget, which I noted in an earlier post. However, it now appears that Snort is shutting down and not restarting twice-a-day. I suspect this coincides with my 12 hour update update schedule, but I can't confirm since update attempts are not logged. The shutdowns leave no log entries either.
I am able to restart Snort manually after these incidents.
Can anyone confirm this behavior on another system?
I had this problem. It appears to have been a problem with the cron job that deletes blocked ip's after a set time. I fixed it by going into the general tab and selecting never, then saved, then reselected the amount of time I wanted and clicked save again. This deleted and recreated the cron job. When this was happen there was nothing in the logs either.
This seems to have worked. Snort has gone thru an automated rules update without stopping after following these steps. BTW, Snort updates are logged to /tmp/snort_update.log, although previous entries record that Snort restarted. I don't think that's accurate. It just indicates that a restart was executed, not necessarily successfully. However, the log does report the date/time of the activity which, if no Snort alerts are received after a scheduled update, may lend evidence that there's a cron job failure.
mschiek - thanks for the help.
Update: Fix one problem - find another. An hour after successfully updating, logged error:
kernel: pid 25427 (snort), uid 0: exited on signal 10
The shutdown was preceded with this entry at the same recorded time:
snort[25427]: [1:2008578:6] ET SCAN Sipvicious Scan [Classification: Attempted Information Leak] [Priority: 2] {UDP} -> [my address]:5060
Any ideas as to what's going on?
I have had that error as well and I have not figured out as of yet what is causing it. After this error the snort process on the interface starts normally and it has not stopped again which is even more confusing.
BTW- What do you have your mem performance settings set at?, also how many wan interfaces do you have? I am just trying to figure out a common thread to this.
My mem performance settings are set to defaults. I'm running w/4 GB RAM, which is relevant. I have 1 WAN interface, 1 LAN and 1 optional designated for WIFI.
When I try to remove snort, I get this
Removing package...
Skipping package deletion for mysql-client-5.1.53 because it is a dependency.
Starting package deletion for barnyard2-1.9_2...done.
Starting package deletion for mysql-client-5.1...done.
Skipping package deletion for libnet11-,1 because it is a dependency.
Skipping package deletion for libdnet-1.11_3 because it is a dependency.
Skipping package deletion for libpcap-1.1.1_1 because it is a dependency.
Skipping package deletion for daq-0.6.2 because it is a dependency.
Starting package deletion for snort-
Skipping package deletion for pcre-8 because it is a dependency.
Starting package deletion for perl-threaded-5.12.4_4...done.
Removing snort components...
Menu items... done.
Services... done.
Loading package instructions...
Deinstall commands... done.
Removing package instructions...done.
Auxiliary files... done.
Package XML... done.
Configuration... done.
Cleaning up...
Package deleted.
Before re-installing the snort, should I delete these files manually?