Strange error message in Dashboard…
I got this error message after a page reload, and since it doesn't go away, even persists through a software update…
Any idea what's that from?The part that's scribbled out black in the error message is the host's IPv4 address.
I now accessed the host by its name, and it goes away. Why would I get a referrer error when I simply access the box with it's IP address?![Screen Shot 2012-06-12 at 06.03.06.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/Screen Shot 2012-06-12 at 06.03.06.png)
![Screen Shot 2012-06-12 at 06.03.06.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/Screen Shot 2012-06-12 at 06.03.06.png_thumb) -
Looks like something odd was happening in the background.
Line 713 is looping over $config['interfaces'], if it can't foreach that, your config is blank/empty somehow.
After getting an error like that, ensure that you completely clear your browser cache and then see if you can reproduce it.
You shouldn't get a referer error when accessing by IP, but if something bombed elsewhere that made it not able to locate the info it needs to do the check, it might fail anyhow.
Well, a few hours later the file system was 109% full, and then the box died.
I think I blew a CF card.Back to my old firewall until I reinstall and restore the configuration ;(
you may try new version . such as : 2.1-BETA0 (i386)
built on Wed Jun 13 20:47:34 EDT 2012 -
After a re-install on a new SSD these issues are (at least for now) gone.
There are some other issues, though, see separate posts.