Packet Capture stopped working in the latest days builds. "invalid interface".
I was using the Packet Capture function just a few days ago working OK but now I get some strange "invalid interface" error
regardless which "Interface" i'm using.I have also seen some strange entry in the dropdown Interface where it states "invalidinterface". (see screenshot PC2.jpg)
I only have 3 interfaces defined. WAN, LAN and a GIF-tunnel IPv6broker interface. And no LAGG. (see screenshot PC3.jpg)The only thing I could think of that has changed between when it was working and not working was defining OpenVPN Server entry
and then later same day upgrading to newer build.I have tried to reboot the pfsense but still same problem.
I have tried to remove the OpenVPN server entry but same problem. (still have the "invalidinterface" in the dropdown and error when saving)
The GIF-tunnel interface was defined earlier when Capture was working. Worked both before and after defining GIF/Interface.Best regards
Dan Lundqvist
Stockholm, Sweden
I can confirm that I'm also having the same exact issue. sync'd this morning
Should be OK now (just committed a fix)
Thanks for that. I will test a new build and report back the result.
Packet Capture seems to work now after the fix.
HOWEVER, I do still have a "invalidinterface" entry in the dropdownlist which I don't know what it is and how to get rid of !?
That must have been there for testing the input validation. I just removed it.
Ok, thanks.