DHCPv6 Leases GUI-bug. Row to long.
When getting a DHCPv6 lease the row is to long and goes outside "page".
See attached screenshot.Seen in build Sat Jun 16 14:16:56 EDT 2012
Best regards
Dan Lundqvist
Stockholm, Sweden
a number of pages can do that with certain configs that create wide tables, not easily fixable.
Yes I know, but this specifically could actually be foreseen as DUID has a fixed length.
And IPv6 address has a maximum size that is known.I'm just reporting what I see, and then you guys take decision if you want to act on it. :-)
Yes I know, but this specifically could actually be foreseen as DUID has a fixed length.
And IPv6 address has a maximum size that is known.I tend to agree here. There are cases, e.g. comment fields, or name fields, where one can't foresee that someone is going to choose a 127 character name when anyone in their sane mind might use a 12 character name.
On the other hand, things like IPv6 addresses and such have a known length (:: and leading 0 omission notwithstanding), and tables should be formatted and configured in a way that items with fixed-known-length shouldn't cause ill-formatted tables. Ideally, variable length items should be set to be fixed width and then have either scrolling or auto-wrapping-multi-line text rather than just shoving the table out of bounds.
I know talk is cheap, but my point is, it's better to say: "We know it's a bug but we don't have the time/manpower right now, it's low priority" than to "defend" it as if it were a feature ;) -
I'm seeing the same thing on the dashboard page (gateway tab) due to using an ipv6 gateway and a gateway name that I set being to long.
I'm not defending it as a feature, it's a known issue in many areas that we aren't going to fix at this time. Anyone is more than welcome to fix it and make a merge request.
If an HTML/CSS-inclined community member wants to tackle that, I'd love to see some other layout styles to save some width.
We did fix a couple of places in widgets and the rc banner (top of the console/ssh menu) last week that were low hanging fruit but on a page like that it will take some effort to redesign it in a way that is both readable and fits inside that width.
Making the output two lines high (since it's already wrapping the times) would be one way.
Patches (and pull requests!) are always welcome ;-)