Since the 2.1 package building process is shaping up and there are a lot more PBI binaries up now, we could use some help tracking down what packages do or do not work (and if they don't, how they're broken…)
I have started a spreadsheet here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AojFUXcbH0ROdEFZcC1GbEV6ekpqcXFEZTE5TGpzaXcThe purpose of this thread is just for quick yes/no reports about packages and if they work or not, and maybe if they don't work a quick description of how.
I don't expect many problems from purely PHP packages (like shellcmd or cron) but because PHP 5.3 depreciated some functions you might get some PHP errors that will need to be fixed up.
Mostly if you are currently using a package on 2.1 with success and it's not marked with a 'Y' in the "working" column, I'd love to know about it so I can fill in the sheet. If not, drop a note here with a link to a thread here on the 2.1 board (or a redmine ticket, but forum is best if it doesn't exist yet) about a specific package that's known to be broken and I'll mark it as not working.
The packages marked as being disabled are known to be not working so we don't need reports for those just yet.
I'll be cleaning up this thread a bit once things are addressed/noted.
Many fixes for PBIs happened this week, in snapshots and the package repository. Be sure you are on a snapshot dated June 23rd or later before testing packages.
EDIT: Still refining the PBI build style for a few packages and rebuilding as needed, reducing the overall compile time and the need to install multiple PBIs.
Dependency issues should be OK so long as you are on the latest snapshot (June 23rd or later) or one from this week that has been gitsync'd. As a test, I fixed up one package that had been having dependency issues, bandwidthd. On a VM that is using the current code, bandwidthd installs and runs OK (yay).
EDIT: [June 23, 2012, 6:15pm] ALL possible PBIs have been uploaded - every package that has a binary dependency and a proper entry in FreeBSD ports listed in the pkg XML now has a PBI, so if you're on code from June 23 or later it should be safe to test any package up there.
EDIT: [June 30, 2012, 7:15pm] PBIs were all rebuilt due to a bug causing the excluded files to not be removed. Should save a bit of space now.
EDIT: [July 03, 2012 ] Squid, SquidGuard, HAVP, NUT, NRPEv2, IMspector, dns-server should all be OK now.
EDIT: [July 05, 2012] Avahi, Zabbix Proxy, Zabbix Agent, Blinkled, and lightsquid should all be OK now.
EDIT: [July 07, 2012] Full PBI rebuild complete again, this time man pages were excluded, so PBIs should be even smaller.EDIT: [June 5, 2013] Closing thread.
Locking this thread for now, separate threads are better from here on.
The purpose of this thread was for problems specific to 2.1 – meaning, package X worked on 2.0.x, but not 2.1. Most of those have been fixed, but packages that were broken on 2.0.x are also likely broken on 2.1 (e.g. stunnel, vhosts, freeswitch) and that's beyond the scope of what this thread is meant to deal with.
I was originally doing triage trying to fix what I could on things to get things in decent shape, but we're at the point now where the package maintainers for items with remaining issues need to step up and fix what few things are left. In the cases where there are no active package maintainers for certain packages, someone with the time/knowledge may have to take them on.
mailreport 1.2 is working a treat for me on 2.1.
FYI- Package builds were moved to a new pair of VMs so they were all recompiled and re-uploaded, so be on the lookout for any breakage. I don't expect much, since the PBI builds are fairly self-contained and don't tend to have problems, but the base OS on the VMs is actually FreeBSD 8.3 to match 2.1 now, it was FreeBSD 8.1 before, so there is the chance that some difference there may make things behave differently.
In anything, I'd actually expect some things to improve…
open-vm-tools is working fine for me on the latest snapshot (it auto-upgraded and VMWare reports it's working)
Where might I be able to download those VMs? I have been hoping to cook up a stund package for 2.1.
They aren't VMs to download, I was speaking of VMs we setup in a new datacenter on a brand new server.
You can just download FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE, install it into a VM, and then follow the rest of the builder instructions on the dev wiki to work with packages.
I have already created those but was hoping for some magic solution since I haven't been able to make much progress so far.
My post http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,52459.0.html
has been getting a lot of views but only one reply from me to me.
I also found your reply about pbi building here http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=46043.0 but the source just confuses and infuriates Lrrr. Sorry, just couldn't resist the Futurama reference…
I do see all kinds of pbi related things on my pfsense box.
[2.1-BETA0]/root(1): pbi_
pbi_add pbi_delete pbi_listrepo pbi_metatool
pbi_addrepo pbi_deleterepo pbi_makepatch pbi_patch
pbi_autobuild pbi_icon pbi_makeport pbi_pbid
pbi_browser pbi_indextool pbi_makeport_chroot pbi_update_hashdir
pbi_create pbi_info pbi_makereposhould I be working with pbi_create..? Seems likely but I could use a little direction.
I have searched the dev wiki but haven't found those package builder instructions. Got a link for me?
The script I linked in that other thread is the program that generates PBIs from the package repo.
Would look something like this:
/home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts/rebuild_package_binaries_pbi.php -x/home/pfsense/packages/pkg_config.8.xml.amd64 -sRELENG_8_3 -p"mypackage"
Sorry, I don't have time to do a whole howto or anything on the subject at the moment.
No problem jimp. Thanks for the pointer!
I don't mind mucking about.. it's how I usually do things ;)
FYI- Doing another full PBI build run/upload. Once it has finished I'll need to bump versions on some packages as needed.
Among other things, this should hopefully clear up any issues 2.1 packages have with PCRE.
This is a build/binary change only - no changes to package code, so don't expect any packages to magically start working if they had other issues. Watch for breakage in packages that do currently work.
small bug for bacula-client 5.2.6 pkg v 1.0
on 2.1-BETA1_amd64_Mar 28_2013FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p6service does not start, because /usr/pbi/bacula-amd64/etc/bacula-fd.conf does not exist. After symlink creation, service starts.
ln -s /usr/local/etc/bacula-fd.conf /usr/pbi/bacula-amd64/etc/minor interface bugs:
- it appends "-dir" to director's name into config
- it writes nothing in filedaemon's name into config. I have only Name = -fd #
But it works!
HAVP Antivirus is listed as "Working" on pfsense 2.1 but for me it is not on amd64
No pfsense version check on .inc file and it seems like there are some other configuration files missing or in wrong place. I modified the havp.inc but still no running service.Further the clamav version is outdated - warning in /var/log/ logfile - but still seems to update if I could believe this logfile.
pfblocker 1.0.2 working fine
open-vm-tools (build-425873) dumps core pretty soon after install for me on amd64 running in VM on VMware ESXi 5.1 1021289.
I have tried a reboot.
Sample log output:
Apr 23 09:34:31 kernel: pid 64819 (vmtoolsd), uid 0: exited on signal 6 (core dumped) Apr 23 09:34:02 check_reload_status: Reloading filter Apr 23 09:34:02 check_reload_status: Syncing firewall Apr 23 09:34:01 kernel: VMware memory control driver initialized Apr 23 09:33:02 php: /pkg_mgr_install.php: Beginning package installation for Open-VM-Tools .
Thanks to some great work by marcelloc, postfix forwarder is working for me on
2.1-BETA1 (amd64) built on Sat May 4 19:47:31 EDT 2013 (and a few versions prior to that).However, I don't really use postfix forwarder for anything other than keeping out the bots. No additional anti-spam,
anti-virusRBLs or outbound mail forwarding. Those things will need others to test.Still seeing the log entry
postfix/postfix-script[60729]: warning: not owned by root: /var/spool/postfix
but with no apparent ill effects.
OpenBGP had last week problems to get fresh installed … in hung every time in process custom_php_resync_config_command().
As I knew the "hidden" URL /openbgpd_raw.php I get access to it and copied a config from other firewall, then install/reinstall works correct.EDIT: btw... IPv6 works - when used in raw config... only WebGUI didn't support it yet.
Syslog-ng doesn't start as a service automatically, and only runs a few hours when run from the terminal.
I am having problem getting Snort to work with pfsense 2.1 RC0 May 28 built. After installing Snort and enabling it on the WAN interface, I cannot connect to the internet anymore. The dashboard showed that WAN interface (DHCP) did not get an IP address (showing from my cable modem. It appeared pfsense kept trying and kept losing the IP address. The Services status also showed that dhcpd and dnsmasq were having problem starting. I did not have problem using Snort on the same network configuration with pfsense 2.03.
I am having problem getting Snort to work with pfsense 2.1 RC0 May 28 built. After installing Snort and enabling it on the WAN interface, I cannot connect to the internet anymore. The dashboard showed that WAN interface (DHCP) did not get an IP address (showing from my cable modem. It appeared pfsense kept trying and kept losing the IP address. The Services status also showed that dhcpd and dnsmasq were having problem starting. I did not have problem using Snort on the same network configuration with pfsense 2.03.
Snort on 2.1 works fine (I use it in production in a few places), so something in your snort config may need adjusted, or you may have other problems on your system. Start a fresh thread someone can help you there.
This is what lightsquid says:
Note after installation:
On the first - enable log in squid package with "/var/squid/log" path.
On the second - press Refresh button for create lightsquid reports, else you will have error diagnostic page.However, squid, in the logging section, provides a default path of /var/squid/logs (note the "s" at the end).
Which is the proper place?
Figured since the lightsquid doesn't give me an option to supply another path, I override and use the /var/squid/log path. But even after restarting squid, hitting the refresh button, I still get this error page:
LigthSquid diagnostic.
Error : report folder '/var/lightsquid/report' not contain any valid data! Please run lightparser.pl (and check 'report' folder content)
Please check config file !
Variable value
$tplpatph /usr/pbi/lightsquid-amd64/www/lightsquid/tpl
$templatename novopf
$langpatph /usr/pbi/lightsquid-amd64/share/lightsquid/lang
$langname eng
$reportpath /var/lightsquid/report
Access to '/var/lightsquid/report' folder yes
$graphreport 1
folder content:
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