Intranet can't connect smtp from Intranet
I has used pfsense 1.0.1 version.
My LAN network is
My OPT network is
In my OPT network.
I have a mail server.
IP is
In my LAN network.
I have client system.
When I open Thunderbird want recivice my mail.
I can connect my mail server.
But if I want send mail.
The error message will show I can't connect my mail server.
Is have any specially settings? -
Hi akong,
Have you the appropriate rules in place allowing your LAN (Client Workstation) to access your OPT interface (Mailserver)?
Are you connecting via SMTP or POP or IMAP or RPC/HTTPS..?
Dependant on the protocol being used, you would need to allow traffic to different ports on OPT1.
If this makes sense?