[resolved] Routing problem
I use pfsense 1.2b1 in a datacenter for colocation, i have 62 public IP's from xxx.xxx.xxx.128 to 191, the colocation gateway is xxx.xxx.xxx.129, subnet mask
I have 4 nic's, my pfsense ip is xxx.xxx.xxx.130
WAN (xxx.xxx.xxx.130/26, Gateway : xxx.xxx.xxx.129)
OPT1 (bridged with WAN)
OPT2 (LAN2, want use 8 public IP's from my 64 IPs to do NAT on LAN2
So I create 8 VIPs (xxx.xxx.xxx.176-184) and create NAT 1:1 to my LAN2
In the firewall rules i create some rules like :
Protocol :TCP/UDP Source :* Destination: xxx.xxx.xxx.176
I also tried
Protocol :TCP/UDP Source :* Destination: impossible to join my servers.
Any ideas ?Thanks
Destination needs to be the private IP (NAT happens first, then rules). Rules need to be on your WAN interface.
Can the machines get out to the Internet?
Yes machines can get out, i can ping outside or browse Internet, but i can not ping outside to inside.
I tried this rule on the WAN:
Protocol :ICMP Source :* Destination: Name: Ping, Log when match
Protocol :TCP/UDP Source :* Destination: Name : AllOn the OPT1 i also add this rule :
Protocol :ICMP Source : Destination: *
In the Log the rule for ping appear :
Source : outside IP destination
but on the outside box, i don't have any reply to the pingPerhaps there is a problem with the routing because when i bridge the OPT1 with WAN the IP adresse set is : xxx.xxx.xxx.128/26 and the VIP xxx.xxx.xxx.176 is in this network range ?
Everything works fine, it was a problem with my switch & vlan.