Dhcdrop - tool to search and suppression of third-party DHCP-server
I found very nice tool to search and suppression of third-party DHCP-server in lan (http://www.netpatch.ru/dhcdrop.html (use google translate))
Who can make a package with GUI for pfsense ?P.s. Detailed description of the installation and startup (http://forum.nodeny.com.ua/index.php?topic=12.15 post from Gray) :
Set dhcdrop:
cd / usr / ports / net-mgmt / dhcdrop
make install cleanConfiguring automatic startup:
ee / usr / local / etc / rc.d / dhcdrop.shInsert the following script provided by Andrey Zentavr - rights, to their needs
#! / usr / local / bin / bash
(C) 2009, Andrey Zentavr
To use this software, please install port from / usr / ports / net-mgmt / dhcdrop
Or download port tarball from http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/net-mgmt/dhcdrop/dhcdrop.tar.gz?tarball=1
And unpack it into / usr / ports / net-mgmt / dhcdrop
Legal DHCP Serverz, space separated mac address
LEGAL_SERVERS = "00:15:17: b8: f9: 1e 00:15:17: b8: f9: 1f 00:1 b: 21:21:83: d5"
Gw1: em0 vlan *** gw1: em1 nodeny: em0
DROPPER = "/ usr / local / sbin / dhcdrop"
IFNAME = "em0 vlan10 vlan30" # Interfaces on our Router, space separated
PARAMS = "-t-m 3"Lets Go!
Legal params
for mac in $ {LEGAL_SERVERS}; do
LMAC = "$ {LMAC}-l $ {mac}"
doneecho $ {LMAC}
Discovering on every interface
for IF in $ {IFNAME}; do
echo "Processing interface $ {IF}"
# Test to any DHCP-Server
$ {DROPPER}-i $ {IF} $ {LMAC} $ {PARAMS}
# Check for status 200
if [$? = 200]; then
echo "Illegal server found on $ {IF}! Dropping him!"
$ {DROPPER}-i $ {IF} $ {LMAC}-y
echo "Illegal server not found on $ {IF}."
doneecho "All done"
Set the right to read:
chmod 500 / usr / local / etc / rc.d / dhcdrop.shPut this in the crontab for the periodic system start-up, in this example, every 30 minutes
ee / etc / crontab
0,30 **** / usr / local / etc / rc.d / dhcdrop.sh # dhcdrop - a means to locate and suppress third-party DHCP-server -
take a look on https://github.com/bsdperimeter/pfsense-packages
ipguard is a small package that you can base yours.