I've been tidying up the HTML generated by the various PHP scripts but have come across the following errors:
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">[![](/themes/pfsense_ng/images/icons/icon_plus.gif)Warning: Missing argument 2 for dom_title(), called in /usr/local/www/firewall_aliases.php on line 192 and defined in /etc/inc/ on line 126 onmouseout=" = ''; domTT_mouseout(this, event);" onmouseover="domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', 'Add a new alias', 'trail', true, 'delay', 250, 'fade', 'both', 'fadeMax', 93, 'styleClass', 'niceTitle' );">](firewall_aliases_edit.php?tab=ip)</table >
| [![](/themes/pfsense_ng/images/icons/icon_plus.gif)Warning: Missing argument 2 for dom_title(), called in /usr/local/www/firewall_aliases.php on line 269 and defined in /etc/inc/ on line 126 onmouseout=" = ''; domTT_mouseout(this, event);" onmouseover="domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', 'Add a new alias', 'trail', true, 'delay', 250, 'fade', 'both', 'fadeMax', 93, 'styleClass', 'niceTitle' );">](firewall_aliases_edit.php?tab=ip) | [![](/themes/pfsense_ng/images/icons/icon_import_alias.gif)Warning: Missing argument 2 for dom_title(), called in /usr/local/www/firewall_aliases.php on line 272 and defined in /etc/inc/ on line 126 onmouseout=" = ''; domTT_mouseout(this, event);" onmouseover="domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', 'Bulk import aliases from list', 'trail', true, 'delay', 250, 'fade', 'both', 'fadeMax', 93, 'styleClass', 'niceTitle' );" alt="" />](firewall_aliases_import.php) |
There was a commit on 25-JUN-2012, to change the "gettext" statements to "dom_title", my PHP knowledge is almost non-existent so can't get my head around /etc/inc/, I have placed a comment on GitHub, but as the commit was a month ago, I'm not sure if anyone will pick it up.
Yes - the same warnings spit out in my /tmp/PHP_errors.log
function dom_title already handles the parameter being empty, it just needs to be told to default the parameter value to empty when it is not passed at all. Easily fixed.
I submitted a pull request - -
Thanks Phil, that's sorted!
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