Redirect(https) IP front end for others ports internal server
Make my pfsense unique IP (https) in wan -OK
Have others - virtual machines internal (lan,opt1, opt2) ,
but in redir ok. but simple ..187.xx.xx.xx:8x8x –->pfsense adress https ok - wan board
187.xx.xx.xx: 82 ----> lan 172.xx.xx.xx:82 - lan internal -itś ok
187.xx.xx.xx: 83 ----> lan 172.xx.xx.xx:83 - lan internal
187.xx.xx.xx: 85 ----> opt1 172.xx.x1.xx:85 - opt1 internalbut is possible ?
https://name/site ---> lan 172.xx.xx.xx:82 - lan internal
obs; my ip wan unique and necessary unique cert(https) in pfsense
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