Help me? 2Router adsl, 2 Nics(WAN and LAN) Interfaces
First Router 2Mbps/1Mbps, Second Router 6Mbps/1Mbps.
It all connect to wan interface.
I can't up speed to 8Mbps/2Mbps.My configuration
Wan interface : Static,, Gateway None
System –> Routing --> Gateway
- Gateway1 Interface WAN
- Gateway2 Interface WAN
System --> Routing --> Gateway Group
- Name : MultiGateway
- Gateway Priority : 1Tier
1Tier - Triger Level : Packet loss or High Latency
Firewall --> Rule --> LAN
Proto : TCP/UDP
Source/port : Lan net/*
Destination/port : /
Gateway : MultiGateway -
Help me.
How to 1WAN Interface for 2ADSL Lines. -
With Pfsense you cannot double your speed. You will only double your bandwidth with the configuration you have setup. If you image a running water pipe, if install another water pipe. It wont make the water run any faster, you just have more water coming from more than one place. So when you browse the internet the connection will spread over the 2 connections which will make you have more bandwidth.