OpenBGPD 0.5.6 - Simple startup bug fixed - Hello package maintainer!!
I hope the package maintainer finds this.
In pfSense 2.0.1-RELEASE, OpenBGPD 0.5.6 the /var/etc/openbgpd/bgpd.conf permissions are set wrong causing OpenBGPD not to start.
chmod 600 /var/etc/openbgpd/bgpd.conf fixes the issue.
Hope this helps,
Peter -
The code already directs the startup script ( to run
chmod u+rw,go-rw {$bgpd_config_base}/bgpd.conf
Were you starting it from the GUI or from /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start? Or were you trying to launch it by hand from the command line?
In pfSense 2.0.1-RELEASE, OpenBGPD 0.5.6 the /var/etc/openbgpd/bgpd.conf permissions are set wrong causing OpenBGPD not to start.
chmod 600 /var/etc/openbgpd/bgpd.conf fixes the issue.
On a clean install I'm facing this issue too: pfSense 2.0.1-RELEASE (amd64), OpenBGPD 0.5.6
My setup also complains for missing /usr/local/etc/bgpd.conf
To be able to run OpenBGPD I've had to:ln -s /var/etc/openbgpd/bgpd.conf /usr/local/etc/bgpd.conf chmod 600 /var/etc/openbgpd/bgpd.conf