Mac spoof on wan - pppoe doesnt work
tried, it works well but some issues. after i enter a spoofed mac id, it gets implemented and pppoe reconnects and uses the new mac id and everything well but once i goto that spoofed mac id field and remove it and apply again, pppoe reconnects but under ppp tab etc it still keeps showing the spoofed mac id, not the original one, now i tried to do a trace from console to see what amc id its suing for the new connection but wasnt able to as my console hangs, this happens to me a couple of times when i see AT OK in console randomly, so i wasnt able to see is the original mac id being used or no but after a reboot the gui starts showing the original mac id so it might just be a gui bug but in general mac spoof works fine now, thanks
The only way to restore original MAC is rebooting (or filling it manually), since we do not keep this information anywhere.