Cannot Play Youtube Videos Using Squid Proxy
I have configured squid proxy, & for content filtering i am using squidguard, i have added in whitelist, i can access, cannot play any videos of i can see request in access.log its showing TCP_DENIED error in access.log but i cannot see anything in cache.log. i dont want to cache youtube, but i cannot play any videos of youtube using squid proxy configured in browser. this is my squid.conf file Please guide me how to debug & solve this issue.
probably "" is not enough for watching the videos. There are probably otgher servers which offer the content/videos. Check the access.log of squid when access the web site and watching videos. Then add these URLs to your whitelist.
First of all thanks for your replies, my problem is solved, it was following two lines in config
request_body_max_size 20 KB
reply_body_max_size 51200 deny alli changed this two lines & now youtube is working correctly.
Thank You.