DHCP issue
No idea, that's a question for Apple…
ok lets just forget it, ill avoid 0.26 for the ipad
Clearly a strange issue to be sure, do you have a different ipad you could try an assign the .26 too? is it some weird bug in the OS or the dhcpclient on the devices or something specific on that device. Could it at one time been assigned .26 as static or from some other dhcp server and now it is rejecting that?
i dont have enough money to buy another, mayb some1 can donate 1 :)
ipad is on the latest ios version, all the wireless access points have dhcp disabled so there is nothing else giving out ips
And your ipad has never been on any other network? Ever??
same isp using netgear router earlier before i replaced it with alix and pfsense but its on dhcp ever since i got it
so did you give it .26 before when it was on the netgear network?
Maybe if it got .26 from different dhcp server is why it declines .26 from this dhcp server?
on netgear it didnt assign any static map, the router used to handle automatically and i guess the range on that was and i use as pfsense same subnet
Very strange - but as stated its not something related to pfsense, pfsense is clearly making the offer and your client says no for some reason.. Would need to look on that device dhcpclient log to why it declines it.
Reset the network settings on the iPad and see if that helps. Maybe the iPad has been on another network and had the 0.26 address there. Just guessing ;)