Pfsense i386 , 2.1 virtio , okay on my i5-2500T , not on i3-3220T
Hi Pfsense.
I have installed the latest snapshot , and inside Pfsense everything is working fine.
When i try a wget on the host system to it just hangs.wget
–2012-11-17 17:15:20--
Resolving,,, ...
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...I can telnet google on the HTTP port no problem , if I use the em0 , em1 , everything
is working fine.Tried a lot of things , but nothing help....
/Best Michael
Using another not with the i3-3220T inside , And now it works.
Funny was is the problem with these 2 tested gen3 Intel's.
If youre willing to go deeper inside…
I have seen 8-STABLE contains some virtio-drivers that are more recent thant what is currently backported
from CURRENT inside pfSense 2.1.But since I don't have (yet) equipment where I could verify it doesn't break things, I have prepared a
patch that I might do a pull request for, you can 'git apply' this gist if you have the time
Hi Matsim…
Please guide me a little further ,cause i'm a newbie regards git.
Today I have changed the virtio driver to e1000.
Then everything works as expected...
/Best Michael