Adding email address to users in local db (patch inside)
Hey out there,
my setup does need the ability to send automatically emails to users in local database. Because this is not included by default, I did a little bit of "coding"… Here are the changes:
if (isset($id) && $a_user[$id]) { $pconfig['usernamefld'] = $a_user[$id]['name']; $pconfig['descr'] = $a_user[$id]['descr']; $pconfig['expires'] = $a_user[$id]['expires']; $pconfig['groups'] = local_user_get_groups($a_user[$id]); $pconfig['utype'] = $a_user[$id]['scope']; $pconfig['uid'] = $a_user[$id]['uid']; $pconfig['authorizedkeys'] = base64_decode($a_user[$id]['authorizedkeys']); $pconfig['priv'] = $a_user[$id]['priv']; $pconfig['ipsecpsk'] = $a_user[$id]['ipsecpsk']; + $pconfig['email'] = $a_user[$id]['email']; $pconfig['disabled'] = isset($a_user[$id]['disabled']); } . . . $userent['name'] = $_POST['usernamefld']; $userent['descr'] = $_POST['descr']; $userent['expires'] = $_POST['expires']; $userent['authorizedkeys'] = base64_encode($_POST['authorizedkeys']); $userent['ipsecpsk'] = $_POST['ipsecpsk']; + $userent['email'] = $_POST['email']; . . . + + + + /> + + + +
I've also attached the complete file (rename .txt to .php; Board does not allow uploading php files) . The "patch" doesn't modify current functions, just adding a new input field…
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