Static mapping problem
Hi, I´m having a problem with my pfsense 2.0.1. Every time I tryied to create a new static mapping the clients loses ip´s and cannot connect anymore. The only way I could solve this it was return back to the factorys configuration and then restauring the last backup.
Does anyone have an idea what is going on ?
Thanks and regards
Please provide more details on the static mapping you created.
I presume you mean a DHCP static mapping where DHCP is given a particular IP address for a particular MAC address. I presume the static IP address is on the same IP subnet as the pfSense interface receiving the DHCP request.
Every time I tryied to create a new static mapping the clients loses ip´s and cannot connect anymore.
What do you mean by this? If the client already has a DHCP lease it should retain the IP address until its lease expires. What do you mean by "cannot connect anymore"? The client is unable to renew its DHCP lease or get a new one? The client gets a new DHCP lease with correct IP address, network mask and default gateway but gets no response when it pings its default gateway?
Hi, thanks for your answer. I will try to explain.
I have a dhcp server with a range from to I already have 5 mac adressess with static ip address (, 202, 203, 204, 205). I want to create a new static for When I create this, all the machines using this server starts to loose their IP address and is not possible to reconect (the server stops to distribuite IP´s to the network). All the machines on the network starts to stay with the factory default ip address. I have more or less 120 machines receiving Ip from this DHCP server. This starts when I try to configure all this machines with static IP address (because I want to control with machines are using internet here - getting cel phones off) and when I was configured about a 100 addressess this problem occur. To recover this I needed to restore to factory default and restore the last configuration backup. From this everytime I tryed to create a new static IP it happens the same thing and the only way that I can solve is to restore to factory default and restore the configuration backup.
Thanks and regards
I want to create a new static for When I create this, all the machines using this server starts to loose their IP address and is not possible to reconect (the server stops to distribuite IP´s to the network).
I suggest you record the time you create the new static IP address. Examine the DHCP log on pfSense to see if anything is recorded around that time. (See Status -> System Logs, click on DHCP tab.) Check the DHCP server is still running (pfSense shell command```
ps lax | grep dhcpd
OK I will try to make tests. Thanks. I´ve just notice that some firewall rules stop to work after returning to original factory and recover the backup. For example my rule to send all packages on the 443 port to my wan link (to not use loadbalance because access to banks).
Thanks and regards