Captive portal problems
I'm happy to have solved that mystery. The patch has just been added to the repo, so it will be included in the new snapshots.
I'm happy to have solved that mystery. The patch has just been added to the repo, so it will be included in the new snapshots.
Starting with which snapshot? Still broke in Jan 22
had the same issue on 2.0.3 i try to gitsync to resolved the issue but its not working still looping on authentication page.
here's my built.
i386 pfsense 2.0.3
The problem that was fixed here only appeared on the 64bit 2.1 snapshots and was due to the pfSense php module. On the 2.0.3 version the addition of IP addresses is not handled using the php module but the ipfw binary. So while the symptoms are similar the problems are different.To get your problem sorted out quickly I suggest you create a new thread in the Captive Portal (2.0.3) board. To begin with exactly describe your setup and the problems you are experiencing. You may also want to add the output of the command "ipfw table all list" and "ipfw show" after a user tries to log in.
thank you bro, ill start a new thread