Tunnelbroker.net MTU problem connected with vDSL PPPoE
New to IPv6 trying to do the he.net certification program, I setup the GIF tunnel to the tunnelbroker.net was able to access google and youtube on ipv6 but not pass the explorer test on he.net.
Used test-ipv6.com and it showed an MTU error, I checked a few values on the tunnel assigned interface and found 1452 was the highest MSS i could set, and then everything worked.
My question is why is this happening? I saw that on IPv6 there is ICMP message of packet too big, I also enabled all ICMP for ipv6 on the interface and also saw on this forum that pfsense enables these needed ICMP messages by default.
Is this a bug? did I miss something on the configuration? I'm on the latest snapshot of 2.1.
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