OpenVPN status page
On the OpenVPN status page.. when you click "Show Routing Table - Display OpenVPN's internal routing table for this server." It says "An IP address followed by C indicates a host currently connected through the VPN."
I have 3 hosts connected and none of the connected IP addresses is followed by "C".
Just to clarify the C is only added to the hosts behind the OpenVPN client such as to the hosts in the remote LAN when you link two sites.
So if I understand it will show up if I have a site to site VPN and the hosts on the other side of connect from that very site to site connection then the C will show up for those hosts?
So if I get this right… this is only pertains for site to site VPNs and not to directly connected hosts like in a server/client environment.
I believe so, yes. You'll only see the C for hosts on the other end of a route/iroute network and not the client IP itself.