2.1 RELEASE Timeline
Hey all, just wondering if I could get a general idea as to when 2.1 will be released.
Yes, I realize that may be a loaded and/or difficult question to pin down. I'm OK with a "rough estimate". Just wanting to get an idea if this is a "sometime in February" expectation or a "maybe not until June" expectation. I'm hoping it's not a "we hope by the end of the year" expectation, but if that's what it is, that's what it is. I'm one of the folks that spends a fair amount of time looking at the "issues" tab in redmine and prognosticating at what the outstanding number of "new" vs. "feedback" items there are with a target of v2.1 might mean. As unorthodox / unscientific as that might be, that's where I'm at to gain any tidbits, so I figured I'd just ask to see if someone might be inclined to maybe just give me a straight answer (here's hoping!). I have noticed, I believe, that in recent days a fair amount now are in "feedback" state and there is less than 75 issues open in total (with target v2.1).
Also, yes, I know the current BETA snapshots are thought to be, generally, fairly stable at this point (sans some specific use cases). For my use case in particular, I am planning on putting a box into production, and I don't want it to be a "BETA" box, but rather a "RELEASE" box - I'm not wanting to get into a semantics debate about "why", but let's just say that it involves rules above my paygrade, so I have to pretty much tow the line that I install only official releases and no BETA / RC in production.
Also, to answer the "what's wrong with 2.0.2" questions… I need 2.1 in particular because it's going to be on a WatchGuard x750e box - and, furthermore, I need more than just the 4 sk interfaces - i.e., I need to use the msk interfaces, which have suffered from watchdog timeouts, which I'm under the impression that 2.1 fixes. So... With the confulence of requirements, I'm kind of at a do-nothing-until-2.1-release position, which is kind of annoying (for me).
Lastly, a sub-question along with this... Since we're on "BETA1" right now - and since apparently a 2.0.3 release is imminent - should we expect there to be a BETA2, BETA3, and maybe an RC1, RC2, RC3 before a full release?
Thanks for any, general, guidance you can share!
It will be released when it's ready. :-)
There are less and less issues every day, but we're also still discovering more of them through testing all the time too. It's probably good enough to call it BETA2 at this point. There will be at least another BETA, and several RCs, as many as we need. Realistically, probably 2-3 months, give or take.
2.0.3 is imminent, just a couple pending issues we need to fix/check and then that will be out.
It will be released when it's ready. :-)
There are less and less issues every day, but we're also still discovering more of them through testing all the time too. It's probably good enough to call it BETA2 at this point. There will be at least another BETA, and several RCs, as many as we need. Realistically, probably 2-3 months, give or take.
2.0.3 is imminent, just a couple pending issues we need to fix/check and then that will be out.
Thanks for the update.
To clarify, when you say 2-3 months, I assume that's your "current" estimate of when you hope to see v2.1 hit release status (i.e., not 2-3 months until we reach another v2.1 BETA and/or RC)?
Out of curiosity… Do you know if the msk / watchdog issue fix has been included in the v2.0.2 release (and/or will be in the upcoming v2.0.3 release, for that matter)?
Thanks for all your hard work on the project!
2.0.x isn't changing anything in the kernel, no driver changes.
Final 2.1 release in 2-3 months, RC likely before the end of this month. There aren't many if any issues outstanding that are regressions.
There aren't many if any issues outstanding that are regressions.
In http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,47544.0.html I reported configuration import from a 2.0.1 configuration file lost the voucher used information. I haven't seen any indication that this issue has had any attention. I thought I had reported this in redmine but now a quick search didn't turn it up.
I will be happy to retest but I won't be able to do so until about 3 weeks time.
I need to use the msk interfaces, which have suffered from watchdog timeouts, which I'm under the impression that 2.1 fixes.
I'm a bit late to the party on this but it looks like 2.1 (and hence FreeBSD 8.3) may not resolve this. However there is a work around that seems to solve the timeout issue in any version.
Add the following line to /boot/loader.conf.local
Create the file if it doesn't exist.
No one has yet seen any timeouts with that set. Please report if this doesn't work for you.