Noob Question about pfsense DNS
I recently set up a PfSense box based on an HP ST5742 thin client(completely fanless), that I modded to add a hard drive and a dual-port server NIC.
On my old router (WRT54GL running Tomato Shibby) I was able to resolve hostnames on my internal network without issue. After I switched to pfsense, computer names attempt to resolve out to the internet..I was able to work around this by turning on static mappings for the computers, and checking the option for registering their IP in DNS… but I have a Windows Home Server 2011 box that had a static IP.
I gave the home server box a static lease as well, but I'd really like to keep it static on the machine if at all possible..
Well, I would like to have that as well. Time to research.
I guess you could create a static map in the DHCP server, but never setup the NIC for DHCP.
just create a host override for your host names and whatever domain suffix you use.
This is how all of my devices are setup.. My local domain is local.lan
That works as well.