Auto update failing as of all Feb 09 snaps?
So I was on the first Feb 09 snap and noticed auto update failed to contact any servers. "Unable to check for updates."
I manually upgraded to the late one from around 2300 thinking that will fix it and same thing.
It had been pointing to the snapshot server but now won't seem to talk to any?
Happens on i386 and an 64-bit install.
Also noticed that the drop down option to pick servers is gone. Why was that removed? Was nice and useful :P
I had been playing with IPv6. The dashboard told me an update was available, but when I clicked, it couldn't find the update.
I removed my IPv6 play settings, now I can update.
I guess it is a similar reason to the Package update issue here?,58648.msg314817.html#msg314817 -
Yea but the URL works fine for me if i go direct to it myself.
That said I have two boxes.
One is in a Datacenter running x64 w/ IPv4 as a default GW and does also have an IPv6 link as well.
Another in a remote office which ONLY has IPv4 and is x86. Both doing it now as I have updated both. So if this was the case would expect the x86 IPv4 only one to work and it doesn't…
If you have IPv6 configured that seems functional but isn't, your system will prefer v6 connectivity. Nearly all of our servers have AAAAs, so broken v6 will leave you attempting to communicate via v6 and unable to do so.
Also noticed that the drop down option to pick servers is gone. Why was that removed?
It wasn't. If you can't fetch the list of available options it's not there, that's dynamically populated.
One of the two boxes doesn't have ANY IPv6 config or info so it wasn't that.
That said it is now working after updating to todays snap. Probably the default gateway issue. Even though I had a GW manually set it seems the updater was still broken until this was fixed :P