Since a few day's losing the wan (dhcp) ip address
To add a little more information to this issue. Since the moment I went back to the 2.0 series, with identical setup (and used the 2.1 config on the 2.0 installation) I did not suffer from any netwerk droppings or loosing the wan ip address.
And for the first period I was running 2.1 beta's there was not a problem either. It occured somewhere 2nd half of februari and the moment I started this topic.
So unless in that period there was a kernel update I think that (at least in my case) it is not a driver issue, but something that changed in the behaviour of the dhcpclient / handling of signals. Guess it is a by product of another fix, as everything was smooth before.
To add a little more information to this issue. Since the moment I went back to the 2.0 series, with identical setup (and used the 2.1 config on the 2.0 installation) I did not suffer from any netwerk droppings or loosing the wan ip address.
And for the first period I was running 2.1 beta's there was not a problem either. It occured somewhere 2nd half of februari and the moment I started this topic.
So unless in that period there was a kernel update I think that (at least in my case) it is not a driver issue, but something that changed in the behaviour of the dhcpclient / handling of signals. Guess it is a by product of another fix, as everything was smooth before.
my situation is exactly the same, the 2.1 betas began having issues mid feb, and 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 have been problem free for me. currently on 2.0.2.
Slight update on this. After a couple months away from using pfSense I decided to give it another try. Same hardware as before - this time the USB Interface is my "inside" NIC.
Same behavior - ue0 starts flapping for no apparent reason, and it never recovers. I have to reboot to bring it back. I even locked the speed/duplex down on the Cisco switch that the inside USB NIC plugs into.
Back to the Airport Extreme for me, sadly. I love the extra capabilities that pfSense brings.
good info, i was thinking of trying it again, but I guess not. i tried 2.0.3 when it came out had a similar issue, no issue with 2.0.2 though, been running it (2.0.2) fine for the last few months.
I still suspect that it's something to do with the USB Ethernet driver, since the flapping problem follows it. I still think there's two problems with it not recovering correctly when it returns. The first time it lost it's (static) LAN address, re-plugging the USB ethernet adaptor restored the IP but not the other services like routing or the gui. (Had to reboot)
im not using an usb adaptor, but have almost identical symptoms. maybe its a freebsd driver issue rather than an issue with pfsense? if i had a spare nic, id give it a try, but no extras lying around right now…
I am running on 2.1RC0 Jun12 build and am also having ue0 flapping but the connection to the internet seems not to be affected.
Running inside a virtualbox (latest 4.2.16) with lan interface bridged to the host's lan and wan using trendnet's usb adapter.Just updated to latest snapshot from friday and the problem is present.
Again, strangely enough pppoe running on the same physical interface is not affected and keeps running despite this flapping. -
I was experiencing dhclient deaths when pfSense booted up and the modem wasn't online:,64296.msg348994.html#msg348994
This morning, running the "Sun Jul 21 21:47:35 EDT 2013" build, I tested this situation again (involuntarily again). This time, however, everything went fine. While I still got the message that dhclient died upon bootup, pfSense happily aquired a DHCP resitration when the modem became available.
So…nice that it appears to work for me now - but can someone else check if this issue is really solved?
This morning, I upgraded to the Jul 26 15:34:51 EDT 2013 version. Later on, I had to cut power to modem and pfSense, and this time, pfSense again failed to get a DHCP address via WAN. Same situation as decribed earlier, modem and pfSense boot up, pfSense starts dhclient (apparently before the modem has established the physical link), dhclient dies and doesn't come up again (this time, I waited for a few minutes only, not hours).
Either the issue has reappeared in one of the later builds or it happens somewhat randomly…
pfSense again failed to get a DHCP address via WAN. Same situation as decribed earlier, modem and pfSense boot up, pfSense starts dhclient (apparently before the modem has established the physical link), dhclient dies and doesn't come up again (this time, I waited for a few minutes only, not hours).
Please provide the relevant sections of the system log and DHCP log. (It seems dhclient logging has recently moved from the system log to DHCP log which probably makes it a bit harder to determine the ordering of link-up/link-down, apinger, dhclient actions.)
Same here.
Used different USB LAN Adapter - latest one is from apple.
WAN IP is lost after minutes or days, only fixable with a reboot (at least within my knowledge).
Please provide the relevant sections of the system log and DHCP log. (It seems dhclient logging has recently moved from the system log to DHCP log which probably makes it a bit harder to determine the ordering of link-up/link-down, apinger, dhclient actions.)
I posted some log file excerpts over here:,64296.msg348618.html#msg348618 - probably forgot to provide that link in the here.
I had a scheduled power outage yesterday in the afternoon again (if you're curious: I had one or two unscheduled/unpexted power outages, and following these, I began debugging my frdige (the thermostat was broken, so I replaced it with an AVR and a 1wire temperature sensor). Unfortunately, I didn't provide an ISP connector, so I have to pwoer down the fridge to pull the microcontroller to update the firmware. Even more unfortunate, getting access to the power cable would require me to take apart about half of the kitchen - so laziness dictates that I just flip the fuse. Of course, the kitchen is on the same fuse as the living room, the terrace and my office room…).
Well, this time (firmware was that of the morning of July 28th), everything worked fine.
Okay, and here's the system log output from the WORKING bootup:
php: rc.filter_configure_sync: Adding TFTP nat rules Jul 28 20:15:04 php: rc.start_packages: Restarting/Starting all packages. Jul 28 20:15:01 ntpd_intres[79111]: ntpd exiting on signal 15 Jul 28 20:15:01 check_reload_status: Reloading filter Jul 28 20:15:01 check_reload_status: Starting packages Jul 28 20:15:01 php: rc.newwanip: pfSense package system has detected an ip change -> ... Restarting packages. Jul 28 20:14:59 php: rc.newwanip: Creating rrd update script Jul 28 20:14:59 php: rc.newwanip: Resyncing OpenVPN instances for interface WAN. Jul 28 20:14:55 php: rc.dyndns.update: phpDynDNS ( No change in my IP address and/or 25 days has not passed. Not updating dynamic DNS entry. Jul 28 20:14:54 php: rc.dyndns.update: phpDynDNS ( No change in my IP address and/or 25 days has not passed. Not updating dynamic DNS entry. Jul 28 20:14:53 php: rc.newwanip: phpDynDNS ( No change in my IP address and/or 25 days has not passed. Not updating dynamic DNS entry. Jul 28 20:14:52 php: rc.newwanip: phpDynDNS ( No change in my IP address and/or 25 days has not passed. Not updating dynamic DNS entry. Jul 28 20:14:52 check_reload_status: updating dyndns wan Jul 28 20:14:50 php: rc.newwanip: ROUTING: setting default route to Jul 28 20:14:50 php: rc.newwanip: rc.newwanip: on (IP address: (interface: wan) (real interface: em0). Jul 28 20:14:50 php: rc.newwanip: rc.newwanip: Informational is starting em0\. Jul 28 20:14:47 php: rc.linkup: ROUTING: setting default route to Jul 28 20:14:47 check_reload_status: rc.newwanip starting em0 Jul 28 20:14:47 php: rc.linkup: HOTPLUG: Configuring interface wan Jul 28 20:14:47 php: rc.linkup: DEVD Ethernet attached event for wan Jul 28 20:14:44 kernel: em0: link state changed to UP Jul 28 20:14:44 check_reload_status: Linkup starting em0 Jul 28 20:14:34 php: rc.linkup: DEVD Ethernet detached event for wan Jul 28 20:14:31 check_reload_status: Linkup starting em0 Jul 28 20:14:31 kernel: em0: link state changed to DOWN Jul 28 20:14:20 ntpd_intres[79111]: host name not found: Jul 28 20:14:17 sshlockout[72494]: sshlockout/webConfigurator v3.0 starting up Jul 28 20:14:17 login: login on ttyv0 as root Jul 28 20:14:07 php: rc.start_packages: Restarting/Starting all packages. Jul 28 20:14:07 syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel Jul 28 20:14:07 syslogd: exiting on signal 15 Jul 28 20:14:07 php: rc.bootup: Creating rrd update script Jul 28 20:14:04 php: rc.dyndns.update: DynDNS ( There was an error trying to determine the public IP for interface - wan(em0). Probably interface is not a WAN interface. Jul 28 20:14:03 php: rc.dyndns.update: DynDNS ( There was an error trying to determine the public IP for interface - wan(em0). Probably interface is not a WAN interface. Jul 28 20:14:02 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:14:02 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:14:02 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:14:02 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:14:02 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:14:02 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:14:02 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:14:02 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:14:01 php: rc.bootup: Adding TFTP nat rules Jul 28 20:14:01 check_reload_status: Updating all dyndns Jul 28 20:14:00 kernel: em0: link state changed to UP Jul 28 20:14:00 check_reload_status: Linkup starting em0 Jul 28 20:13:59 kernel: em1: link state changed to UP Jul 28 20:13:59 check_reload_status: Linkup starting em1 Jul 28 20:13:56 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:13:56 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:13:56 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:13:56 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:13:56 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:13:56 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:13:56 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:13:56 php: rc.bootup: Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Jul 28 20:13:55 php: rc.bootup: Adding TFTP nat rules Jul 28 20:13:55 kernel: pflog0: promiscuous mode enabled Jul 28 20:13:55 php: rc.bootup: Resyncing OpenVPN instances. Jul 28 20:13:55 php: rc.bootup: The command '/sbin/dhclient -c /var/etc/dhclient_wan.conf em0 > /tmp/em0_output 2> /tmp/em0_error_output' returned exit code '1', the output was '' Jul 28 20:13:44 sshlockout[9407]: sshlockout/webConfigurator v3.0 starting up Jul 28 20:13:44 sshd[9067]: Server listening on port 22\. Jul 28 20:13:44 sshd[9067]: Server listening on :: port 22\.
With this WORKING case, I can also see the dhclient restart in the DHCP log:
Jul 28 20:14:47 dhclient: PREINIT
Well - I am not totally convinced that it depends onb the build whether this issue appears or not. At least I don't regular commits comments like "broke dhclient again after fixing it yesterday".