Cpu swap.
i'm going to upgrade my windows cpu from a Intel G840 to 3770K and was thinking of useing my old one for pfSense
atm i have a Intel e8400 3Ghz will the "new" cpu give me any benefits besides that i get ddr3 mem and not ddr2
if i change i do need a new mainboard for the pfSense. and sure if i want i can get a better 1155 cpu for pfSense later on but
dont want to spend money if it wont help me as it is now.thx
For what purpose? For even extreme home or small-mid business use, you're not going to get any faster than what the e8400 is doing for you. For higher end needs, other details on what kind of hardware you have (NICs, etc.) would be helpful.
old pf: Asus P5B-E 4x2Gb ddr2
3Com 3C940 Gigabit Ethernet>
Marvell 88E1011 Gigabit PHY
sk0=WAN and age0=LAN
and for fun. Adaptec ANA-62044use a 120Gb sata disk as boot drive
and i have a 120Gb ide for squid cachethe new main board i'de like to have is Asus P8C WS that gas 2 Gbit on the board so i dont need to use a slot for that.
but yea its 99% for home use but i like to play around with stuff logs,graphs and meaningless other stuff
and if it will happen i'll try to get a SSD for pfSesne system and a 500Gb+ just cache or log storage.is there room for stuff its allways fun to test it out. without sacryfice security
i'm going to need a better switch to. my netgear 5port isnt great in anyway,
but any input prople do is nice then i can get a bit wiser "or not" :)
thx again
i'll get 8-16Gb ram for the new server do. that can help out with squid i've been told. squid=mem then cpu in that order