Zabbix 2.0 proxy
Hi Team,
I have been trying to get zabbix 2.0 working but have not been able to do so.
On a new install of pfsense 2.3, when I install zabbix proxy, i have the following error:
41794:20130214:194932.298 [Z3005] query failed: [0] no such table: hosts [select,,i.key_,p.clock,p.ns,p.timestamp,p.source,p.severity,p.value,p.logeventid,p.status from hosts h,items i,proxy_history p where h.hostid=i.hostid and i.itemid=p.itemid and>0 order by limit 1000]
41794:20130214:194932.298 [Z3005] query failed: [0] no such table: ids [select nextid from ids where table_name='proxy_dhistory' and field_name='dhistory_lastid']
41794:20130214:194932.298 [Z3005] query failed: [0] no such table: proxy_dhistory [select,p.clock,p.druleid,p.dcheckid,p.type,p.ip,p.dns,p.port,p.key_,p.value,p.status from proxy_dhistory p where>0 order by limit 1000]
41794:20130214:194932.298 [Z3005] query failed: [0] no such table: ids [select nextid from ids where table_name='proxy_autoreg_host' and field_name='autoreg_host_lastid']
41794:20130214:194932.298 [Z3005] query failed: [0] no such table: proxy_autoreg_host [select,p.clock,,p.listen_ip,p.listen_dns,p.listen_port from proxy_autoreg_host p where>0 order by limit 1000]Can anyone assist pls.
Are you using 2.1 right?
Could you reinstall the package?Regards.
I am using the latest version.
SMNP seems to work but not zabbix agent from remote connecting via the proxy :-(
Is there any logs that could shed some light on this one pls?
Did you try connect directly? Without proxy?
Did you allowed the agent connect by this proxy on Zabbix Server?
Log files:
/var/log/zabbix2/zabbix2_agentd.log -
On the remote agent, I tried first to put the ip of the proxy first and it did not worked.
So I tried to put the ip of the zabbix server itself and still now joy.
On the server I have put that pfsense under the proxy.
Here are the logs from the remote client:
39928:20130214:200356.651 No active checks on server: host [name] not found
39928:20130214:200556.947 No active checks on server: host [name] not found
39928:20130214:201559.395 Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:28136,sender_uid:0,reason:65537]. Exiting …
39416:20130214:201559.395 Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:28136,sender_uid:0,reason:65537]. Exiting …
39131:20130214:201559.396 One child process died (PID:39928,exitcode/signal:65280). Exiting ...
39706:20130214:201559.395 Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:28136,sender_uid:0,reason:65537]. Exiting …
39131:20130214:201559.396 Zabbix Agent stopped. Zabbix 2.0.4 (revision 31984).
39103:20130214:201604.426 Starting Zabbix Agent [name]. Zabbix 2.0.4 (revision 31984).
39218:20130214:201604.427 agent #0 started [collector]
40083:20130214:201604.427 agent #4 started [active checks]
39472:20130214:201604.428 agent #1 started [listener]
39941:20130214:201604.428 agent #3 started [listener]
39745:20130214:201604.428 agent #2 started [listener]
40083:20130214:203903.271 Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:48333,sender_uid:0,reason:65537]. Exiting …
39941:20130214:203903.271 Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:48333,sender_uid:0,reason:65537]. Exiting …
39103:20130214:203903.272 One child process died (PID:40083,exitcode/signal:65280). Exiting ...
39745:20130214:203903.272 Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:48333,sender_uid:0,reason:65537]. Exiting …
39103:20130214:203905.273 Zabbix Agent stopped. Zabbix 2.0.4 (revision 31984).
60501:20130214:203908.285 Starting Zabbix Agent [name]. Zabbix 2.0.4 (revision 31984).
60831:20130214:203908.286 agent #1 started [listener]
61105:20130214:203908.286 agent #2 started [listener]
61451:20130214:203908.286 agent #4 started [active checks]
60558:20130214:203908.287 agent #0 started [collector]
61244:20130214:203908.287 agent #3 started [listener]This agent is currently configured with the ip of the the interface on the link of open vpn
So server is on the local subnet ip
All vlans are done also on the pfsense and there is a link site to site vpn from that site to the main site.
That remote site local subnet is
The link is between the 2 sites.
On the main site there is another vlan which is
On the main site traffif from does not get on
So the question is if the vlan routing is done on the main pfsense and the proxy for zabbix is also on the same box, could and should my setup work.
By the way snmp works as I added snmp from the remote pfsense ( where the remote agent is) and I get the details on the zabbix server.