Unique 2.1 issue
I have had this happen a couple of times. I have had this set up for a while and tonight it randomly crapped out and basically reset back to defaults. Not sure if any one else has experienced this issue before and how they "fixed" it?
It would help if you would be more specific. "crap out" could describe many behaviours.
Perhaps you mean your pfSense box restarted and then the console requested interface assignment. I had this happen to me from time to time but it stopped when I stopped using a USB NIC and used VLANs on one of my existing NICs.
Sounds like a NIC "crapped out" and it tossed out the interface config because it didn't match what it expected.
Without a lot more detail that's the only likely explanation.
Sorry I don't really have a good way to explain it but all the nics were still configured but the nat and fw rules were removed the packages were removed and any other configurations that have been made were set back to default besides the interfaces. I had snort, dans, squid, and openvpn all configured then when the issue occurred they were removed and/or reverted back to factory settings. Not sure of any other way to explain. I did find there was a backup and I reverted back to it and now things are back to normal. It started after the latest 2.1 update last night.