FreeBSD patch - Speeding up removal of pf src entries
I thought this might be of interest …
[patch] Source entries removing is awfully slow.
Kajetan Staszkiewicz vegeta at
Fri Mar 8 13:19:21 UTC 2013Hello there!
In my enviroment, where I use FreeBSD machines as loadbalancers, after a server
is detected as dead, loadbalancer removes the the broken server from a table
used in route-to pf rule and then removes Source entries pointing clients to
that server, so clients previously assigned to the broken server are re-
loadbalanced to alive servers.Each loadbalancer has around 50k Source and 500k State entries. Under those
conditions removing a Source from anywhere to a dead server withpfctl -K -K internal.IP.of.server
freezes the machine for a few seconds (or
even up to a minute in other datacenter segment, where different services are
served, causing thousands instead of just a few hundred States to be matched).
Under a DDoS attack, when removing Sources to a server under attack, kernel
freezes permanently (I gave up after 10 minutes waiting and restarted the
machine).A patch fixing the issue can be found here:
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