FreeRadius 2 - Password encryption for users only work with Cleartext-Password
I just figured out that latest FreeRadius 2 that I installed with Snapshot 2.1 Beta1 (i386) build on Thu Mar 7 2013, is unable to against authentication if I have selected the users password encryption as "MD5-Password".
But it will be working fine with Cleartext-Password
Need some fix here.
You should probably read somethinh about Password Hashes in freeradius2.
Not every hash is working with every method. The hasing is correct but oerhaps the authentication method you use does not support that. Your post does not tell where you are using freeradius. -
I am sorry, i have lack of knowledge about.
I actually using for Captive Portal. I am not to sure that Captive Portal able to authentication against Radius with MD5 password hashing?
Kindly guide!
Thanks in Advance
CP on pfsense 2.0.x does not support encrypted passwords in freeradius users file because it is using PAP as authentication method.
If I remember correct there were some changes on pfsense 2.1 CP but not sure.In general it is not neccessary that the passwords are encrypted on freeradius as long as noone has access to pfsense.
I implemented this feature because a user asked if it would be possible:,43675.msg297759.html#msg297759Don't know why and in which environment he wants to use this.