Comcast modem(s) not assigned WAN IP via DHCP
So here's my story in a nutshell…
I first setup my pfSense box in my dorm last August with dual WAN incase one of our ports got blocked for some dumb reason. It was great and it worked excellent.
Next, I setup another box at home to work with my ATT dsl connection via PPPoE.. that worked perfect.
Now, we just switched to the "3 for $99" plan at Comcast. I thought it was the modem first.. the one that the phone hooks up to. I thought that was a home gateway or something like that. It's not... I guess. Anyway... my pfSense box works fine.. I've used it in other locations with 200mbps WAN connections to it.. Now, I'm having problems getting my cable modem to work. I do the "assign interface" option and connect the LAN via auto and the WAN via auto. My Linksys router gets an IP assigned to it and I have it set to DHCP for WAN.. but I can't get the pfSense box for the life of me to obtain an IP. I've noticed however that every time I've connected to Comcast it's the same IP.. even when I called them up and told them to register my other modem's MAC address for my internet connection (SB5120) and the other modem they implemented for the phone system would be used strictly for the phone system.
So if you didn't feel like reading all of that..
here's the problem
My comcast SB5121 assigns my Linksys router a WAN IP via DHCP.. pfSense does not work. I've reinstalled pfSense and everything. I'm using RC1.
Any help?
If you have previously been using your Linksys box on the Comcast connection, then Comcast's DHCP server will expect the MAC address of that Linksys's WAN interface. Try spoofing that address for the WAN interface on your pfSense box. This can be done in the WebGUI under Interfaces->WAN.
this might be a bit late to respond, but with comcast modems if you want to switch routers… Unplug the modem, and plug it back in. That is all that it takes.