IPv6 DHCP-PD – radvd dies after interface reset - dhcpv6 does not reaquire addr
darkcrucible: Are you on a cable modem?
When I have seen the "dhcp6c[18942]: client6_recvadvert: XID mismatch", pfsense will just keep thrashing until I power cycle the cable modem and reboot pfsense. Then it clears and will obtain the IPv6 addressing (IPv4 is always fine).
This seems to happen after updating to a newer snapshot.
Bit of update. Once again at renewal time, all IPv6 addressing was lost. The only syslog message was:
Apr 1 13:32:49 dhcp6c[29310]: client6_timo: all information to be updated was canceled
During this time, I was also running a packet capture on the WAN.
It was interesting to see that pfSense was getting two replies from Comcast, different server ID's. One had the addresses that should have been renewed, the other had different addressing. So, I suspect the pfSense didn't like that and killed everything.
So, I have a contact within Comcast and will see what they have to say about the two different responses. And what the expected client response should have been.
Also, after a reboot, I'm back to having to manually start RADVD.
I have been having issues with my comcast ipv6 as well - have not gotten around to looking into it yet, not something that I really need.. Just like having up to play with when I want to play with ipv6.
But I am seeing
Mar 31 11:44:38 radvd[55232]: Exiting, failed to read config file.
Mar 31 11:44:38 radvd[55232]: error parsing or activating the config file: /var/etc/radvd.conf
Mar 31 11:44:38 radvd[55232]: syntax error in /var/etc/radvd.conf, line 2:
Mar 31 11:44:38 radvd[55232]: version 1.9.1 startedYou look in the conf and there is nothing there.
cat /var/etc/radvd.conf
Automatically Generated, do not edit
Currently running
2.1-BETA1 (i386)
built on Fri Mar 22 11:05:31 EDT 2013
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p6I will update when I get home and look into it a bit deeper. I was working fine for long time, then just noticed a while back not working after update to snap.. I to was going to do a clean install, just have not go around to that either..
If I do a sniff I do see this which seems odd - seems like offering 2 prefixes?
I have opened the following bug: https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/2919
I was running a packet capture when the lease expired. The IPv6 DHCP server is responding properly, but pfSense never binds.
With the April 8th snapshot, IPv6 connectivity with my Comcast link is restored to the LAN clients. I skimmed through redmine to see what might be affecting this. A few items stood out. Not sure exactly which one.
Getting connectivity back is certainly an improvement. pfsense itself still doesn't use the IPv6 DNS given to it by Comcast and none of the LAN clients seem to use the IPv6 LAN address of pfsense for DNS forwarding like they used to back in February.
I'll report back in a few days after the renewal on whether connectivity remains and if the pfsense starts using IPv6 DNS at that point.
sweet!!!! I will try this build when I get home!
On my routers DHCP v6 not working at all after switching on rtsol.
rtsold should be used on IPv6 hosts (non-router nodes) only.
[2.1-BETA1][root@router.lan]/root(105): /usr/sbin/rtsold -1 -p /var/run/rtsold_em0.pid -O /var/etc/rtsold_em0_script.sh em0 rtsold: kernel is configured as a router, not a host
Still not working
2.1-BETA1 (i386)
built on Tue Apr 9 13:23:01 EDT 2013Get errors that radvd.conf is bad
Apr 10 08:09:51 radvd[74841]: Exiting, failed to read config file.
Apr 10 08:09:51 radvd[74841]: error parsing or activating the config file: /var/etc/radvd.conf
Apr 10 08:09:51 radvd[74841]: syntax error in /var/etc/radvd.conf, line 2:There is nothing in this file other than
[2.1-BETA1][root@pfsense.local.lan]/var/etc(11): cat /var/etc/radvd.conf
Automatically Generated, do not edit
What is suppose to update this file? I tried clean install, and I did see my 2001 address on wan and 2006 address on lan, but it ended it :2 – and after reboot gone? No nothing on wan other than local link address, and nothing on lan.
This was working perfect, and then just stopped??
So I gave it some time, and now getting /128 on wan and /64 on lan
WAN (wan) -> em1 -> v4/DHCP4: 24.13.xx.xx/21
v6/DHCP6: 2001:558:xxxx:12c:405d:37e1:34e1:fe29/128
LAN (lan) -> em0 -> v4:
v6/t6: 2601:d:xxxx:d7:250:56ff:fe00:2/64So it is working - but here is question. I don't want the lan IP to use the mac, which clearly is where that address is coming from. What would be nicer is if the lan interface grabbed the first IP in the net
so my mac on the lan interface is
em0: flags=8843 <up,broadcast,running,simplex,multicast>metric 0 mtu 1500
options=98 <vlan_mtu,vlan_hwtagging,vlan_hwcsum>ether 00:50:56:00:00:02Is there some setting that needs to be made so it doesn't do that, and just uses the first IP in the network its assigned?</vlan_mtu,vlan_hwtagging,vlan_hwcsum></up,broadcast,running,simplex,multicast>
At 48 hours, the renewal time, the IPv6 LAN address disappears, RADVD vanishes from the services page, and resolv.conf picks up the IPv6 DNS from Comast (it only had the 75.75.x addresses prior to the renewal).
At 48 hours, the renewal time, the IPv6 LAN address disappears, RADVD vanishes from the services page, and resolv.conf picks up the IPv6 DNS from Comast (it only had the 75.75.x addresses prior to the renewal).
pfSense will only bind the LAN IPv6 prefix at boot time. Once the lease expires it will never rebind. It just keeps trying to infinity. I'd say this is definitely a Show-Stopper bug.
Yup seems I lost my IPs as well…
So I have updated to
2.1-BETA1 (i386)
built on Fri Apr 12 04:55:08 EDT 2013
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p7Still not working, so turned off ipv6 on the wan - then back on. Got my 2001 on my wan, then a bit later new 2601 on my lan - but different subnet. Gawd that sucks - if the /64 handed to me is going to change every time, I will just go back to the tunnel from HE. This never changed.
Also noticed that delete virtual IPs is still not working as well. Since the virtual I put on my lan with ::1 as the address vs the mac containing ipv6 it get would not delete. Using IE gives a warning about deleting, you say yes never deletes - firefox no such warning, but might because I popups blocked. But does not delete. So once got new address on lan, I change my virtual to be in that /64 and now I have ipv6 access again. But its a pain, lets see if goes away in 48 hours.
And I looked in the config - only place that address was listed was
<virtualip><vip><mode>ipalias</mode> <interface>lan</interface> <descr><type>single</type> <subnet_bits>64</subnet_bits> <subnet>2601:d:xxxx:d7::1</subnet></descr></vip></virtualip>
Still not working, so turned off ipv6 on the wan - then back on. Got my 2001 on my wan, then a bit later new 2601 on my lan - but different subnet. Gawd that sucks - if the /64 handed to me is going to change every time, I will just go back to the tunnel from HE. This never changed.
That's what I've ended up doing. HE is solid.
After studying my packet captures, I see two related issues here.
When it's time to renew, pfs sends a REBIND. The response from the server is a renewal of the same prefix. That's good, unfortunately that is not processed by pfs … that's bad. The result is that the LAN IPv6 address is purged and never returns.
When pfs does an initial SOLICIT. You get a response from two Comcast DHCP servers, each with a different prefix. One is the what you had before (as long as you are within the lease window) the other is a new one. If pfs remembered it's last prefix, it should just rebind on a matching response. However, it does not. The end result is that your LAN prefix can keep changing each time you reset/reboot. Again, that is in the bad category.
Any fix available yet? ???
My ISP (Deutsche Telekom) gives me an IPv6 address (dual stack) since I switched to IPTV. It comes via DHCP6, but it's not static (it changes everytime I reboot or go offline+online).
LAN is set to Track Interface.
When I reboot, WAN is getting the IPv6 IP, LAN is also getting another IPv6 IP, but radvd doesn't seem to work. When I go to Services and restart radvd my clients are also getting IPv6 IPs and it works perfect. But after about 10 or 20 minutes radvd kills itself and disappeares in the Services menu and the LAN interface doesn't have it's IPv6 address anymore.Apr 25 19:18:10 radvd[58188]: version 1.9.1 started
Apr 25 19:18:41 radvd[58287]: attempting to reread config file
Apr 25 19:18:41 radvd[58287]: resuming normal operation
Apr 25 19:29:22 radvd[58287]: sendmsg: Can't assign requested address
Apr 25 19:29:23 radvd[58287]: attempting to reread config file
Apr 25 19:29:23 radvd[58287]: syntax error in /var/etc/radvd.conf, line 44:
Apr 25 19:29:23 radvd[58287]: error parsing or activating the config file: /var/etc/radvd.conf
Apr 25 19:44:31 radvd[30802]: version 1.9.1 started
Apr 25 19:44:31 radvd[30802]: syntax error in /var/etc/radvd.conf, line 2:
Apr 25 19:44:31 radvd[30802]: error parsing or activating the config file: /var/etc/radvd.conf
Apr 25 19:44:31 radvd[30802]: Exiting, failed to read config file.Any suggestions? :-[
It's unusable for me at the moment. -
The reason the /64 allocation changes is that the /var/db/dhcp6c_duid file does not persist on reboot. Each reboot this file is recreated and a new DUID is assigned.
It would be nice to have the option to retain this file.
Any updates on this one?
I still don't see it working.. Im on
2.1-BETA1 (i386)
built on Tue May 21 20:50:09 EDT 2013
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p8And when I updated to it the other day I tried to get it working again.. It look like it took it for a second, I saw an IPv6 in inf status, then next thing it was gone.
Now I know they just added the RC tag - so I might update tonight again, but something is still not right with this.
Here's the bug for the IPv6 addressing being lost: http://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/2919
I would definitely consider this a Show Stopper bug. The ability to acquire and maintain addressing is a basic function, without that nothing else matters. I was surprised to see the change to RC status, with issues like this remaining.
Here's the bug for the IPv6 addressing being lost: http://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/2919
I would definitely consider this a Show Stopper bug. The ability to acquire and maintain addressing is a basic function, without that nothing else matters. I was surprised to see the change to RC status, with issues like this remaining.
That was exactly what I thought. When I read about the RC status I went back looking for this hoping that I missed the update. Considering that the main feature of 2.1 is IPV6 support, this is pretty major, together with the broken 6RD support.
Yes, this really is a critical issue. DHCPv6-PD looks to become one of the most common, if not the most common native IPv6 deployment method for home users and small businesses.
Here in Germany for example the largest ISP (Deutsche Telekom) has silently started its IPv6 rollout for end users. Millions of connections will be migrated to dual stack using DHCPv6-PD over PPPoE in the next few years.
I don't think pfsense can really claim to support IPv6 until this is working properly.