Advanced Outbound NAT multiple rules for localhost to multi wan
i recently setup a full install on a atom powered box which had single nic so created 4 vlans, 2 wans and 2 lans, after setting it all up and switching to AON i see that it created multiple rules (2) for localhost to wan1 and localhost to wan2 which should actually be just 1 so i guess some coding would be required to so multiple rules r not created.
here is a screenshot with those multiple rules deleted for better understanding on how my setup is
the 3rd and 6th rule is created twice
I guess normally the default route goes out on WAN1, so NAT rule number 3 works for local to Internet traffic. If WAN1 goes down, you have default route switching enabled and your routing table points to WAN2 as a default gateway, you would need rule number 6 to cover this, wouldn't you?
the point being the rules number 3 and 6 r repeated in location 9 and 12 so i deleted them and the screenshot is with them deleted where as enabling AON shouldnt repeat same rules. i bet if i had 3 wan connections then they would be repeated 3 times whereas u only need one rule for localhost to each wan