Pfsense 2.1 Mar 22 22:56:09 - squid2 no "correct" interface names
not sure if it is related to pfsense 2.1 or just squid.
I imported my configuration from an old pfsense 2.0.1 on a virtual machine.On pfsense 2.0.1 I had several VLANs on a parent interface.
On pfsense I created a LAGG interface with LACP and assigned the VLANs to this lagg() interface.When I configure squid's interfaces I just have a list of OPT1 - OPT7, loopback and WAN.
Even if I rename an interface from WAN to WAN2 it does not change on squid.If I go to DHCP server menu the names are correctly displayed.
If I remember correct then there were some changes on converting interfaces on github - but I am not familar with that and don't know if this the problem.
this has been there for long, in squid it shows the non friendly interface name list as opt1, op2 etc instead of the renamed values
this has been there for long, in squid it shows the non friendly interface name list as opt1, op2 etc instead of the renamed values
You mean it has always been there on pfsense 2.1?
not always, but since i started using squid, earlier i have no idea